Posted: 25 September 2013. At: 10:39 PM. This was 11 years ago. Post ID: 6343
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Apple iPhone 5 fingerprint security broken 24 hours after the German release.

The new fingerprint recognition security on the new iPhone 5 has aready been broken. This attack required quite sophisticated hardware and a high level of knowledge; but this shows that no level of security is infallible. The new phone is getting quite a lot of press attention discussing the ins and outs of the new IOS 7 operating system. There was a rumor that police in New York were urging people to upgrade with flyers advertising the security benefits of the new Apple IOS. But I would prefer to try out the operating system that was shown in the movie TRON Legacy. Now that was an operating system, UNIX based at that. With the standard sh and bash shells provided I would hope. I do not understand why people get so worked up over a mobile phone. The obsession with Apple is bordering on a cult. It would be really cool if you had a lot of money and you bought 10 iPhone 5s phones and smashed them in front of the people waiting in line. That would be the coolest thing ever to put onto Youtube. The tears of the Apple fans would overflow the Dead Sea.

Starbug’s Touch ID Attack. from Nick De on Vimeo.

The above video shows the attack and how it was achieved. The technology used was above the average punter; but this show that you cannot rely on fingerprint technology yet. Having a strong password on your phone will prevent someone getting your information. If you use a Blackberry mobile phone you can encrypt it with a strong passkey to stop any thief from getting your contact details and your messages. The iPhone fingerprint system was broken 24 hours after the release of the phone in Germany; this shows that the Apple corporation cannot guarantee security. Better to use an Android or Blackberry instead. The waterproofing patch for the iPhone 5s operating system is very cool though. NOT!

LOL, he threw his iPhone into the river?
LOL, he threw his iPhone into the river?

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