Posted: 4 May 2022. At: 6:54 AM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16277
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Another way to remove snapd from Ubuntu.

This is how to remove Snapd from the latest Ubuntu if you do not wish to use Firefox as a snap. You may download a copy of Firefox for Linux here anyway.

sudo systemctl stop snapd && sudo systemctl disable snapd
sudo apt purge snapd
rm -rf ~/snap
sudo rm -rf /snap /var/snap /var/lib/snapd /var/cache/snapd /usr/lib/snapd

This is best done just after the installation of Ubuntu, then the real fun is finding standard Debian package installations of your favourite programs. To stop snapd from being installed again, do these simple tweaks.

Edit the /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-snap.pref file.

sudo -H nano /etc/apt/preferences.d/no-snap.pref

Then edit it to disable the installation of snapd.

# To install snapd, specify its version with 'apt install snapd=VERSION'
# where VERSION is the version of the snapd package you want to install.
Package: snapd
Pin: release a=*
Pin-Priority: -10

This should be very helpful when removing snapd from a new installation of Ubuntu. The *.deb packages worked just fine, why do we need snapd? At least make it optional for the Ubuntu installation. This is why people are running WSL2 instead. It is much easier and more fun to use. And you have no bloated Unity or Gnome 3 installation slowing down your computer. I believe they are deliberately sabotaging Ubuntu by installing this stuff in it. Why change things? The old way worked just fine.

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