Posted: 4 June 2022. At: 5:09 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16182
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AI generated writing getting better and better.

AI writing is getting better and better, in the future, it will be AI writing movie scripts and books. This will take over from Humans. Just like the machine-generated novels in the book 1984., AI writing will be able to generate believable and interesting stories. How will this change movies though? And what of AI-generated artworks? Will they hang in galleries alongside paintings by human artists? It is hard to tell, but tools such as DALL-E and DALL·E 2 can generate some incredible artwork. Will it be possible in the future to generate a copy of the Mona Lisa using AI and put your face into it with perfect accuracy? I think so. Even creating a movie with AI starring your favourite actors could be possible eventually. That would be amazing. The possibility of creating your own movie with your own plot and then being able to enjoy it whenever you wish. That would change entertainment forever. The future of humanity is AI whether we like it or not. Would it be possible to have an AI-run call centre and you talk to a computer instead of a person, but it still has a clear and understandable voice? That would not be impossible to do, would it?

Linux desktop 2030.
Linux desktop 2030. This is an AI generated image.

That would happen in a post-scarcity future where work was no longer necessary as technology would take over, just like in Star Trek. They have jobs but the replicator takes over the need to buy food, it can just be replicated. Although I am sure the ability to replicate food will not happen for a long time. But getting back to the AI image generation, Google Imagen is the best, it can generate photo-quality images. That is incredible. A website such as This Person Does Not Exist can generate photorealistic mugshot photos. Perfect for a fake online persona. But you should not do that of course. It just shows how easy it would be to make a fake online dating profile using a fake face and then use it to stand up people with the promise to meet that never eventuates. But the AI-generated movie is a reality in a way, there is a short story here that was written entirely by bots. Here it is: This still shows signs of AI generation. But it is still very impressive. And this will only get better.

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