Posted: 9 January 2023. At: 11:21 AM. This was 1 year ago. Post ID: 17416
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A very useful bash shell prompt to use with your Linux PC.

This new prompt I came up with is very nice, using a lot of special Unicode characters.

└─◉ 5.1-~-10:48-⚫ ◉--[$]

Looks very nice in action.

This would be a great one to use on any Linux machine.

Here is the prompt if you want to use it yourself.

export PS1=”┌─[$(tput bold)][\033[38;5;24m][$(tput sgr0)][$(tput sgr0)][$(tput bold)][\033[38;5;191m]\H[$(tput sgr0)]@[$(tput sgr0)][$(tput bold)][\033[38;5;209m]\u[$(tput sgr0)]⬎\n└─◉ [$(tput sgr0)][$(tput bold)][\033[38;5;42m]\v[$(tput sgr0)]-[$(tput sgr0)][$(tput bold)][\033[38;5;33m]\w[$(tput sgr0)]-\A-⚫ ◉–[\$] [$(tput sgr0)] ☕ ”

This works just fine with the default Unicode-capable fonts that come with Ubuntu.

To add special characters in the shell, press Control-Shift-U and then type a character code, like 238B, and then press enter. Then a special character like this one will appear. ⎋

Here is a nice chart listing all box-drawing characters to use with Unicode. As shown above, press Control-Shift-U and then 2530 and press RETURN to enter a T-shaped Unicode character.

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