Posted: 20 February 2013. At: 9:06 AM. This was 11 years ago. Post ID: 5393
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A script I wrote that checks whether a host is reachable by various protocols like ICMP & TCP.

A nice script that will check if a host is up or not.

use warnings;
use strict;
use Net::Ping;
# code source:
# More:
#$| = 1;
print "Please type a host to check: -:\n";
my $host = <>; #Reading input from STDIN.
if (length($host) < 3) {
    print "You did not type a host!\n";
my @proto = ("tcp", "udp", "icmp", "stream", "syn");
foreach my $pro ( @proto ) {
    print "#-Protocol $pro \n";
    my $p = Net::Ping->new($pro);
    # Specify source interface of pings
    print "$host is ";
    print "NOT " unless $p->ping($host, 2);
    print "reachable.\n";

This Perl script will check whether a web host is up using a handful of protocols to ping the host. Very useful script. This requires root access.

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