Posted: 18 October 2020. At: 7:13 PM. This was 4 years ago. Post ID: 14720
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A couple of unused Windows XP screensavers I found.

I have come across a couple of unused Windows XP screensavers. These have never been seen by computer users before. They are Museum and Swoosh. The Museum screensaver is a 3d walk around an art gallery and random pictures from your Pictures folder appear on the walls like paintings.

Below is the Windows XP Swoosh screensaver. This is rather like the Macintosh OSX Flurry screensaver.

The Windows XP Swoosh screensaver.
The Windows XP Swoosh screensaver.

And the Windows XP Museum screensaver. This is a 3D walkthrough of an art gallery.

The Windows XP Museum screensaver.
The Windows XP Museum screensaver.

These two rare files are a very lucky find. I love finding stuff like this, it is a lot of fun to try them out.

Download these screensavers here:

Download the source code here:

The Windows XP operating system had its faults, but it was also very widespread. My website still got 505 visits from Windows XP so far this month.

But look at this from AWStats.

Windows 2000	19,974	23.1 %	20,027	8.4 %

This is pretty funny. But I guess there are people spoofing the user agent to pretend they are using other operating systems? I have visits from a user using Windows 3.1. The overwhelming majority of my visitors use GNU Linux (Unknown or unspecified distribution), this is very good indeed. Some even use Sun Solaris. The Windows XP source code leak has led to good things, even though the code is not complete and can not lead to a usable operating system any time soon. But it is worth tinkering with. Windows XP is not supported anymore anyway. Everyone uses Windows 10 or 8. The screensavers work perfectly in Windows 8.1 Just unpack the archive and then right-click on them and click Install. Then configure them. They are very good. The Museum one sometimes zooms into a blank part of the wall instead of a picture frame, but it still functions just fine. Swoosh is very fast and pretty. Museum in particular was very hard to get compiled since it used internal/undocumented functions, but it got there in the end.

2 thoughts on “A couple of unused Windows XP screensavers I found.

  1. Have you by any chance been able to compile the dolphin screensaver, also included within the XP/Srv2003 source code leak?

    1. Not really, but here is the complete source code for all screensavers in Windows XP. Maybe someone else can try.

      Here is an excerpt.

          // Begin the scene 
          if (SUCCEEDED(m_pd3dDevice->BeginScene()))
              m_pd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_WORLD, &m_matFloor);
              // Move the dolphin in a circle
              CD3DFileObject* pDolphinObject = m_pDolphinObject->FindObject(TEXT("x3ds_Dolph02"));
              CD3DFileObject* pFish1Object = m_pFish1Object->FindObject(TEXT("clownfish_root"));
              for (int i =0;i<NUM_FISH;i++)
                  switch (m_FishState[i].type)
                   case FISHTYPE_DOLPHIN:
                      if(fWeight < 0.0f)
                          BlendMeshes(m_pDolphinVertices, m_pDolphin3Vertices, 
                                       m_pDolphin2Vertices, m_dwNumDolphinVertices, -fWeight);
                          BlendMeshes(m_pDolphinVertices, m_pDolphin1Vertices, 
                                       m_pDolphin2Vertices, m_dwNumDolphinVertices, fWeight);
                      if (pDolphinObject)
                          m_pd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_WORLD, &m_matFloor);     
                           pmatDest = pDolphinObject->GetMatrix();

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