Posted: 2 September 2022. At: 4:56 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16629
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The Big Bang Theory funny apocalyptic episode.

Penny walks on stage towards Sheldon, the audience is snickering.

“What are you doing Sheldon”

The audience bursts into laughter

“Oh nothing, just installing some RAM”

The audience is falling over now, punching themselves in the stomach from laughter


The laughter dies down a bit

“I just upgraded my OS to 64bit, it can handle more than 3 gigabytes now”

At this point the audience becomes a single entity, their laughter merging, building, it creates a black hole and rips a hole in the space-time continuum.

“Hey Sheldon, wanna see the new Harry Potter movie?”

The audience chuckles nervously

“No, Harry Potter is for children. I prefer realistic and dramatic films, such as Star Wars.”

The audience laughs heartily

“Luke, I am your father!”

The audience begins laughing so hard they burst into flame and their lungs explode. They begin soiling themselves from laughter, which fails to put out the fire but makes everything smell like burnt hair and urine. An older gentleman has a heart attack and dies on the floor, burning and covered in urine. The earth trembles below the studio, opening a gaping crack into the underbelly of the earth. Several members of the audience are dragged into the blackness, laughing so hard blood spills from their mouths as they descend into the molten core of the earth, smashing into the rock as they fall. The continued laughter echoes off the rock, causing the most significant known earthquake in history, crippling the power grids of several of the world’s major cities, and plunging humankind into darkness for weeks. Martial law is called into effect as the riots increase in size and aggressiveness. As food begins to run out, half of the world’s populace is dead, with the survivors now resorting to cannibalism and subsistence farming.

“Hey Sheldon, what are you doing?”

The audience chuckles lightly.

“Not much.”

Several audiences members faint and are carried to the hospital.

“Oh, ok then.”

Burbank is rattled by explosions of nuclear magnitude. Somehow, though, the studio survives. Several audience members are walking on the ceiling. Another several have hung themselves from the rafters, unable to cope with not having the oxygen to laugh forever. Still, others have been drawn and quartered, to be displayed outside the studio gates.

“Hey, Sheldon.”

The audience laughs loudly.


The audience explodes into laughter. The building shakes slightly, and paramedics are put on standby (with earplugs in). The cast stands around awkwardly for roughly 5 minutes for it to calm down, each battling the urge to laugh.

“Windows 7.”

The paramedics are pre-emptively deployed. The audience scream in laughter and the building starts rattling uncontrollably. Blood runs from most audience members’ noses and eyes as their brain haemorrhages under the hilarity. Urine streams down the legs of most people as janitors hastily attempt to mop it, to no avail. The vibrations trigger an earthquake that causes huge amounts of damage across California. The earth stops orbiting the sun and immediately plummets into its fiery depths.

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