Posted: 28 December 2021. At: 8:50 AM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 15760
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Some more very useful Arma 3 scripting commands.

There are many very useful scripting commands for Arma 3 that are less known. The one below will return the number of days the player has played Arma 3 in total.

_daysplayed = getStatValue "GamePlayedDays";

Use this code to determine if a player has finished the Bootcamp campaign before jumping into multiplayer.

_bootme = getStatValue "BCFirstDeployment";
if (_bootme != 1) then {
        _message = _message + "Please finish the Bootcamp campaign before playing.<br /><br />";
        _message = _message + "<t align='right' size='8' shadow='1'><img image='\a3\Missions_F_Bootcamp\data\img\Boot_m02_overview_CA.paa' /></t><br /><br />";
} else {
        _message = _message + "Welcome to Afghanistan Zeus ops.<br /><br />";

This works and is very useful I think.

The code below will apply a certain procedural texture to a couple of objects named “zone1” and “zone2”.

	_x setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "#(ai,64,64,1)fresnelGlass()"];
} forEach [zone1,zone2];

Run this code in the initPlayerLocal.sqf and this will save the player`s loadout when they exit the Arsenal.

[missionnamespace,"arsenalClosed", {
	[player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory;
	titletext ["Arsenal loadout saved.", "PLAIN DOWN"];
}] call bis_fnc_addScriptedEventhandler;

A very useful code snippet.

Set a random time for the mission to start. Run this in the initServer.sqf.

private _date = missionStart select [0, 5];
private _times = [_date] call BIS_fnc_sunriseSunsetTime;
private _startTime = (_times select 0) + (random ((_times select 1) - (_times select 0) - 1));
private _startHour = floor _startTime;
private _startMinute = (_startTime - _startHour) * 60;
_date set [3, _startHour];
_date set [4, _startMinute];
setDate _date;

Put this code below in the init.sqf. This allows a player to fully heal when they use a First Aid Kit.

player addEventHandler ["HandleHeal", {
	_this spawn {
		params ["_injured","_healer"];
		missionNamespace setVariable ['Health', damage _injured,FALSE];
		_damage = Health;
		if (_injured == _healer) then {
			waitUntil { damage _injured != _damage };
			if (damage _injured < _damage) then {
				cutText ["You used Bandages and Morphine.", "PLAIN DOWN", 8];
				_injured setDamage 0;

These code samples should be most helpful when coding a mission.

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