Posted: 29 June 2019. At: 9:21 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13357
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Save player`s loadout after closing arsenal in Arma 3.

To save the player`s loadout after they close the arsenal in Arma 3, put this code in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file.

This code will save the player loadout after the arsenal is closed.

[missionnamespace,"arsenalClosed", {
	[player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory;
	titletext ["Arsenal loadout saved.", "PLAIN DOWN"];
}] call bis_fnc_addScriptedEventhandler;

Print information about the player role when the arsenal is opened.

[missionnamespace,"arsenalOpened", {
	cuttext [format ["Welcome, your role is: %1.", getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf player) >> "displayName")],"PLAIN DOWN",1];
}] call bis_fnc_addScriptedEventhandler;

Allow the player to fully heal with a First Aid Kit.

player addEventHandler ["HandleHeal", {
	_this spawn {
		params ["_injured","_healer"];
		missionNamespace setVariable ['Health',getDammage _injured,FALSE];
		_damage = Health;
		if (_injured == _healer) then {
			waitUntil { damage _injured != _damage };
			if (damage _injured < _damage) then {
				titletext ["You used Bandages and Morphine.", "PLAIN DOWN"];
				_injured setDamage 0;

This is a very nice little script, put this in the init.sqf or the initPlayerLocal.sqf and this will work.

Holster weapon script. This allows the player to holster their weapon using the H key.

#include "\a3\editor_f\Data\Scripts\dikCodes.h"
CLIENT_HolsterWeapon_KeyDown =
	params ["_display", "_key", "_isShift", "_isCtrl", "_isAlt"];
	private _handled = false;
	if (_key == DIK_H) then
		switch ([animationState player, "P"] call KER_fnc_getAnimationState) do
			case "erc": { player playMoveNow "amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon" };
			case "knl": { player playMoveNow "amovpknlmstpsnonwnondnon" };
			case "pne": { player playMoveNow "amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon" };
		player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, -1];
		PLAYER_WeaponGetIn = "";
		_handled = true;

It also requires this function to work.

// KER_fnc_getAnimationState
private _animationState = param [0, "", [""]];
private _key = param [1, "", [""]];
switch (toLower _key) do
	case "a": { _animationState select [1, 3] };
	case "p": { _animationState select [5, 3] };
	case "m": { _animationState select [9, 3] };
	case "s": { _animationState select [13, 3] };
	case "w": { _animationState select [17, 3] };
	case "d": { _animationState select [21, 3] };

Run this code on the server when a mission ends to delete all objects on the ground, and all ruins and wrecks.

{deleteVehicle _x;} count (allMissionObjects "WeaponHolder");
{deleteVehicle _x;} count (allMissionObjects "StaticWeapon");
{deleteVehicle _x;} count allMines;
{deleteVehicle _x;} count (allMissionObjects "Ruins");

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