Posted: 4 June 2024. At: 10:36 AM. This was 4 weeks ago. Post ID: 19681
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News concerning the progress of stalker 2.

  1. Stalker Call of Pripyat locations
  2. Stalker builds screenshots archive
  3. Stalker builds documentation and information

Stalker 2 developers were considering the possibility of a Stalker Netflix movie, this has not eventuated, but this would have been an amazing development. Making a whole movie about Stalker would be a most interesting venture. There are countless Stalker fan films on YouTube, this has been done already, and the stories could easily be adapted into a nice TV movie. Like this example. This short film has amazing locations that look just like the games. namely the tunnel under the ground in Yantar. And the monster effects are also very good, plus the effect of an anomaly. But I am not sure they have enough money left to make an official film of Stalker, even though it would be very popular. I would love to watch it if it had locations such as Bar and Cordon, even better. But the war in Ukraine is putting stress on everyone in Russia and Ukraine, and this may not happen at all.

We will just have to wait and see what the future brings. The Stalker developers had a nice visit to the exclusion zone in 2002, this is documented in the Stalker developers blog from 2002. Read this here: This is well worth the time to read. I have found the actual real-life blockpost which is the entrance to the zone. This is KPP Dytiatki, this is available to view on Google Earth. This is the closest analogue to the military checkpoint in the Cordon. I can not find an analogue to the Cordon rookie village, but the blockpost is pretty cool. It even has a BRDM parked on the side of the road. And an actual tour service to provide tours of the exclusion zone. Maybe the war will end and this can resume I hope.

Map of the Stalker locations on the real-life map.

Map of Stalker locations on the real life map.

Stalker Call of Pripyat locations

Children’s Camp Emerald

База отдыха “Изумрудное”

Completely hidden by trees, but this is the location.,30.1576129,1625m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m12!1m5!3m4!2zNTHCsDE5JzM0LjAiTiAzMMKwMDknMzQuMCJF!8m2!3d51.3261111!4d30.1594444!3m5!1s0x472a87d4443e8925:0xe823259ec563f125!8m2!3d51.3300873!4d30.1547872!16s%2Fg%2F11cs6f48f9?entry=ttu

Real-life Garbage vehicle graveyard.,29.9816399,3a,75y,243.66h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNuPq1wzf6M6vgq4qE8WoF6mnWFGgEjuraxdpfh!2e10!3e11!!7i6720!8i3360?coh=205409&entry=ttu

Kopachi village.,30.12540124,110.65285822a,294.22131357d,35y,165.55193535h,0.16124645t,-0r/data=CkoaSBJCCiUweDQ3MmE4N2YxZjRjYjI3MWY6MHg0ZTBiZTc5OWFiYWI3NmI3GW93e7VIrUlAIcs_RLRnID5AKgdLb3BhY2hpGAEgAToDCgEw

Yaniv train station.,+Pryp%27yat%27,+Kyiv+Oblast,+Ukraine/@51.39468033,30.05824768,114.41048464a,534.59531578d,57.04521645y,3.11729625h,0t,0r/data=CpABGmYSYAokMHg0NzJhN2NmMDNmYjFkN2NkOjB4ZmMxNDQ2MThiOTk0NjY3GcPFQI0xsklAIeCrZ1JUDT5AKiZZYW5pdiwgUHJ5cCd5YXQnLCBLeWl2IE9ibGFzdCwgVWtyYWluZRgBIAEiJgokCVWthQfUuElAER75qCkajUlAGdlIL86jbz5AIdGxEA0tmD1AOgMKATA

Army Warehouses.,30.16108925,112.30118795a,789.24370611d,35y,-0h,0t,0r/data=ClIaUBJKChYweDA6MHhiNTcwMjRkMmYyNjMxMzY1GbRH12mdsUlAITqxEzsxED5AKh4iUmVkIEZvcmVzdCIK0KDRg9C00LjQuSDQu9GW0YEYASABOgMKATA

Cement factory.,+Kyiv+Oblast,+Ukraine/@51.39387741,30.08660561,116.66461186a,0d,60y,-0h,85t,0r/data=Cm4aRBI-CiUweDQ3MmE3ZDVlZWRlODk1MzM6MHg4ZDRjNTRjM2FkMmUyODQ0KhVPbGQgRmFjdG9yeSAiSnVwaXRlciIYASABIiYKJAng-YthBrRJQBE6w8elWrFJQBk9PJFAfxc-QCH2Pj7xbgc-QCIaChZUSXQzVms4d0w4YUVVaFVfZV8tZkZBEAI6AwoBMA

Stalker builds screenshots archive


609 Megabytes.

Stalker builds documentation and information


298 megabytes.

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