Posted: 9 August 2019. At: 9:07 AM. This was 5 years ago. Post ID: 13440
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Modding Dead Air is an entertaining enterprise.

I am still working on modding the Stalker Dead Air mod. This one is a bit old now, but benefits from a lot of changes. I have changed the Rostok megaphone audio to the audio used in the Stalker beta builds. This is controlled in the configs\misc\sound\script_sound_l05_bar.ltx file, this controls a lot of the sounds played in the game. This is different from the Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl system. But it still works fine.

The below section controls which audio is played by the megaphone in the Rostok level. I am using it like this to play a random track from the directory.

type = 3d
path = characters_voice\scenario\bar\megafon\megafon_music_
shuffle = loop
idle = 7,15,50
levels = l05_bar

The weapon sway is controlled in the configs\misc\effectors.ltx file. Scroll to the bottom and use these values.

camera_move_epsilon	= 0.01		;the difference between the two vectors is the direction the camera when the camera is moved
disp_min			= 0.002		
speed_min			= 0
zoom_aim_disp_k		= 0.01		;odds ratio of the total variance of shooting
zoom_aim_speed_k	= 0.001		;and wiggle sight
delta_time			= 2000		;time at which the effector changes the direction of motion (in milliseconds)

This will slow down weapon sway and reduce the actual movement. So you do not have Parkinson`s anymore.

Change these values in the configs\creatures\actor.ltx file to be able to crouch super low and crawl under low objects.

ph_box0_center 							= 0.0, 0.9, 0.0
ph_box0_size 							= 0.35, 0.9, 0.35
ph_box1_center 							= 0.0, 0.65, 0.0
ph_box1_size 							= 0.35, 0.65, 0.35
ph_box2_center 							= 0.0, 0.2, 0.0
ph_box2_size 							= 0.35, 0.2, 0.35

The configs/alife.ltx file controls the flow of time in the alife system.

    schedule_min				= 1										; milliseconds
    schedule_max				= 1										; milliseconds
    process_time				= 900									; microseconds
    update_monster_factor		= 0.1
    time_factor					= 10;	1;	;396.0;скорость для демонстрации смены дня и ночи
    normal_time_factor			= 10;	животные в оффлайне перемещаются со скоростью, делённой на этот фактор (чтобы не бегали очень быстро)
    switch_distance				= 250									; metres
    switch_factor				= 0.1											;
    start_time					= 19:00:00
    start_date					= 25.10.2015
    autosave_interval			= 00:05:00
    delay_autosave_interval		= 00:00:30
    objects_per_update			= 20
    start_game_callback			= _G.start_game_callback					; on starting new game or loading saved one

The above code sets a time of 19:00 for starting a new game. But you can set any time you want for a new game.

The configs\models\objects\light_night.ltx file controls the brightness of the torch. If you have a headlamp, you can make it much brighter.

This code will do that for you.

range           = 55									; range                 <in meters>
range_r2        = 50			 						; range                 <in meters>
color           = 1.2,1.2,1.2,1.0						; four color components <r,g,b,a> 0.f<X<3.f
color_r2        = 0.6,0.6,0.6,1.0					; four color components <r,g,b,a> 0.f<X<3.f
omni_range      = 1.3										; range                 <in meters>
omni_range_r2   = 1.3										; range                 <in meters>
omni_color      = 1.2,1.2,1.2,1.0						; four color components <r,g,b,a> 0.f<X<3.f
omni_color_r2   = 1.2,1.2,1.2,1.0						; four color components <r,g,b,a> 0.f<X<3.f
color_animator  = empty									; color animator name   (empty - not using animator) //light_torch_01
spot_texture    = internal\internal_light_torch_r2				; spot texture name     (using only in Second Render)
spot_angle      = 35									; spot angle            <in gradus>
glow_texture    = glow\glow_torch_r2					; glow texture name     (required)
glow_radius     = 0.0									; glow radius           <in meters>
guide_bone      = lights_bone							; guid bone name        (required)

These tweaks really help out when playing Dead Air.

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