Posted: 16 December 2018. At: 11:40 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12780
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How to spawn fire on top of a smoke stack in Arma 3 and other useful tips for mission making.

Spawn fire in air in Arma 3

Put this code in your initPlayerLocal.sqf and this will spawn a fire object on top of a smoke stack.

_firePos = [4234.45,18088.8,58.9342];
_fire = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle _firePos;
_fire setPos [_firePos select 0, _firePos select 1, 59];

This value.


Is the location of an object I placed on top of the smoke stack to get the location where you wish it to spawn. Put a can or a tire there and then right click on it and go to Log->Position to clipboard. Then this value is the starting location for the object. Then this code will move the fire object up 59 meters to the final location when it spawns.

Adding a user action to the player to run a function when the interaction menu item is used.

// Adding an action to Ace3 to get help with ace features.
myaction = ['Help dialog','Mission Help','',{null = [] spawn KER_fnc_help;},{true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction;
[player, 1, ["ACE_SelfActions"], myaction] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject;

This is very useful to run a certain function when the player uses this interaction menu item.

Run this code on the server to remove the Zeus bird and the notifications when launching Zeus.

{ // Turn off "X is now Zeus" notifications, remove bird flying around
	_x setVariable ["showNotification", false];
	_x setVariable ["bird", objNull];
} forEach allCurators;

Use this code in your initServer.sqf file to make all buildings around your base indestructible.

	_x allowdamage false;
} foreach (nearestTerrainObjects [getMarkerPos "respawn_west",["house"],1900]);

Put this code in the init of a vehicle, and it will respawn after being destroyed.

[this,65,80,300,{},0,2,1,false,false,0,false] call BIS_fnc_moduleRespawnVehicle;

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