Posted: 28 October 2023. At: 10:37 AM. This was 8 months ago. Post ID: 18686
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How to sign an Arma 3 mod with BI utilities and make it ready for the Steam Workshop.

Creating an Arma 3 mod with Bohemia tools is fun. Here is how to sign the mod with a proper key, this is how to use the mod on an MP server.

Firstly, open the Arma 3 Tools DSSignFile folder with the Windows Terminal. Run this command to generate a key to sign your mod.

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\DSSignFile> .\DSCreateKey.exe armauser

Then you will end up with a public key that is shipped with your mod, and a private key that is used to sign the PBO files.

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\DSSignFile> ls
    Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\DSSignFile
Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----        28/10/2023  10:24 AM            161 armauser.bikey
-a----        28/10/2023  10:24 AM            609 armauser.biprivatekey
-a----        27/12/2021   1:45 PM         268656 DSCheckSignatures.exe
-a----        27/12/2021   1:46 PM         172976 DSCreateKey.exe
-a----        27/12/2021   1:46 PM         256368 DSSignFile.exe
-a----        27/12/2021   1:45 PM        4416088 DSUtils.exe
-a----        28/10/2023   7:44 AM            157 john.bikey
-a----        28/10/2023   7:44 AM            605 john.biprivatekey
-a----        27/12/2021   1:46 PM          80896 LibCommon.dll
-a----        27/12/2021   1:46 PM          29696 licenseMgr.dll
-a----        27/12/2021   1:45 PM         301056 log4net.dll
-a----        27/12/2021   1:45 PM         296448 NativeMethods.dll
-a----        27/12/2021   1:46 PM            365 readme.txt

This is very easy to do. Then we may import the key into the DSUtils.exe program to sign our PBO file(s). Select the private key with DSUtils and then find the mod directory containing your PBO file.

Signing a PBO file with DSUtils for Arma 3.

Set the program up as shown and this will work. This is a straightforward way to sign a PBO and allow your mod to work on an Arma 3 dedicated server.

This is the result.

PS C:\Users\Intel i5\Documents\GameRealisticMap\Arma3\Mods\@m_55hdu525732s204\addons> ls
    Directory: C:\Users\Intel i5\Documents\GameRealisticMap\Arma3\Mods\@m_55hdu525732s204\addons
Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----        28/10/2023   7:27 AM      773199091 m_55hdu525732s204.pbo
-a----        28/10/2023   7:50 AM            557 m_55hdu525732s204.pbo.john.bisign

My mod PBO with the accompanying bisign key.

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