Posted: 2 May 2022. At: 9:56 AM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16271
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How to have random jukebox music playing in an Arma 3 mission.

This script in the initPlayerLocal.sqf will play a continuous jukebox of music in your Arma 3 mission. This is just like in Warlords where you have continuous background music.

_null = [] spawn {
	_musicPool = "getText (_x >> 'name') != '' && getNumber (_x >> 'duration') > 20" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgMusic");
	_poolSize = count _musicPool;
	sleep 5;
	0 fadeMusic 0.1;
	KER_DS_musicStopped = FALSE;
	addMusicEventHandler ["MusicStop", {KER_DS_musicStopped = TRUE}];
	while {TRUE} do {
		0 fademusic 0.2;
		_trackClass = _musicPool # floor random _poolSize;
		playMusic configName _trackClass;
		waitUntil {KER_DS_musicStopped};
		KER_DS_musicStopped = FALSE;
		sleep 1;

Another option is to use this function.

[] call BIS_fnc_jukebox;

This will play random music in the background of your mission.

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