Posted: 28 August 2018. At: 10:18 AM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12372
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How to add flags to all vehicles to help with IFF in Arma 3.

To attach flags to your vehicles in an Arma 3 mission, put code in the expression field of the vehicle respawn module in the editor like so.

Where to place the code in the Vehicle respawn module.
Where to place the code in the Vehicle respawn module.

This is the code required. Place this code in the expression field of the vehicle respawn module, and then it will be applied to every vehicle that is synced to the module on mission start.

(_this select 0) forceFlagTexture "\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_us_CO.paa";

If the code worked, this is what it should look like. This is using RHS vehicles, but this will work with vanilla vehicles also. Set up the respawn module as shown at the top of the post, and this will work.

This is what it should look like. This helps to recognize BLUFOR vehicles.
This is what it should look like. This helps with recognition of BLUFOR vehicles.

This looks very nice indeed, another good way to differentiate friendly assets from the enemy. So give this a go and make sure that accidental team-killing is kept to a minimum. This is the good thing about Arma 3, there are so many ways to achieving what you wish to have in a mission. I just wish you did not have to write a complex script just to garrison a dynamically spawned building. Hopefully Arma 4 will have a built-in function that will easily spawn a garrison, without needing third-party scripts. As well as better terrain rendering, especially in the far distance. And get rid of floating rocks in the distance.

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