Posted: 17 November 2022. At: 4:29 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 17015
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Display the game map on a billboard in Arma 3 with the DEV build.

There is a new UI to texture feature in the Arma 3 DEV build, this allows the display of the game map on a billboard. This could be very useful for a base to display an area on a billboard that everyone can see.

Use this code in the texture field on a billboard or a whiteboard.


This is an awesome feature, the GPS minimap may be displayed as well, but this does not fit properly. I do wonder if this could be used by modders to display a UI on a screen in a vehicle. Would be great I think.

You can also print text on a billboard with the new features in Arma 3 2.12.

#(rgb,1024,512,3)text(0,0,"rhs_digital_font", 0.1, "#302c64", "#302cff", "Hello and welcome\nto the server.")

This will print a message on a billboard using text to texture.

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