Posted: 14 September 2022. At: 5:05 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16718
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Bad Influence TV show. 1993.

Bad Influence TV show 1993.

The TV show Bad Influence from 1993 is a very early tech-focused television show. This episode showcases a very early Silicon Graphics Onyx workstation for creating 3D graphics. These were very expensive UNIX workstations that could create effects for movies. Nowadays we can use any consumer workstation to render high-quality 3D artwork with free software such as Blender. VR technology is also showcased. It would have been primitive back then, but fun to play with. Sure, the graphics in the racing games are limited, but it is 1993. Back then a good PC had something like a 200 MHz Pentium, 512MB of RAM, a 20GB hard drive, some generic Antec case and power supply, and Windows 95. Cost? Something around the $1100 mark. Not too bad back then. A gamer only needed a 486 with 4MiB of RAM and a good monitor plus HDD to play Doom. As long as you were not loading other things in the autoexec.bat and config.sys. Then Doom episode 1 ran very well. A 486 sx 33 was fine. I can not believe the Silicon Graphics Onyx machine cost £250,000 British pounds. And it had amazing texture mapping and fast rendering of a 3D model.

The Internet was in it`s infancy in 1993. The first web browser came out that year, NCSA Mosaic. This was primitive, but it worked, before being superseded by Netscape Navigator. Microsoft licensed Mosaic to create Internet Explorer in 1995. This is why the about screen in Internet Explorer credited NCSA Mosaic as the source of the IE browser. That is very interesting.

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