Posted: 27 August 2022. At: 4:23 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16589
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Arma Reforger is still just as buggy as it was on release.

The Arma Reforger game is still as buggy as it was on release. The dreaded “Internal Error” is still a thing in August 2022. This is not very good at all. And the Game Master mode servers are laggy as hell. Most of the time you only have 2 frames per second if you can even get in the server, to begin with, the lag begins as soon as you connect and try to spawn, the game will freeze and stop for a couple of minutes before letting you in to play with the aforementioned 2 FPS framerate. The game master mode is unlimited in terms of the items you may spawn, and this results in an unplayable frame rate for the players, who soon abandon the server and play something else. This is not the best look in 2022. Surely they could learn how to program and make a better engine to play with. But the engine used by Reforger is not even a new engine, it can not even have underground areas, which other games like Unreal Tournament 2007 could. In UT 2007 the mapper could cut a hole in the terrain and join this to an underground tunnel.

Reforger internal error is still happening.
Reforger internal error is still happening.

Enfusion is RV4 + Enforce – It’s not new, it’s not even a new iteration, it’s a retooled renderer and some new (arguably worse looking) lighting system. And Multicore support. All dumped inside of a 20-year-old mash-up of two engines that struggled to perform well back in 2013.

“We didn’t start from scratch. We reused a lot from our Enforce and RV engines. Enfusion is kind of a mashup of the two, though many things have been rewritten or upgraded. We also deleted thousands of lines of code knowing that we’d need to write that code again, but better or different. But you can’t develop an engine forever; you must have a game project in mind. Our first project was to “port” the beautiful island of Tanoa from Arma 3 into Enfusion and run it on PlayStation 4. Tanoa was chosen because it was big enough and included a lot of entities, so it was a good test for the engine. We did other small internal projects on top of Enfusion back then, including one prototype which was released on Steam with the code name Project Lucie. Fun fact – I was the one integrating the Oculus Rift headset and controllers with Enfusion.”

And yet Arma 3 has all of this and a very high framerate due to all of the tweaks over time.
And yet Arma 3 has all of this and a very high framerate due to all of the tweaks over time.

Straight up, it’s RV4+ Enforce. Two dinosaur engines with very old restrictive workflows are used for modern gaming. Will be hilarious. Arma 4 will be a 20-year-old game the day it launches with horrific problems stemming from an engine that struggled with basic functionality of 2013 using 20-year-old workflows to stick together another semi-non-functional product that people put up with because of Arma. Physics, Weather, Lighting, Shadows, Performance, Ballistics, Network Performance, Render Distance, LODs etc will stink in 2016, and come with all the jank of Arma 3. And all because a clique of insular BIS devs running the show are closed-minded about technology and the future of development. And the built-in workshop is terrible, Steam Workshop is better. But people rip and re-upload mods all the time on that platform, so what can you do?

Arma Reforger Steam charts 08/09/2022.
Arma Reforger Steam charts 08/09/2022.

Not many people playing now…

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