Posted: 26 November 2021. At: 4:57 PM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 15644
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Installation of Arch Linux was quite painless. This is far faster than Ubuntu.

Tips for installing Arch Linux and getting started

I have just installed Arch Linux 2021 and it is far faster to load than Ubuntu with the bloated codebase it has. After installation, I had an issue with the networking, but I installed Network Manager and this was a good way to get the installation working.

$ pacman Sy networkmanager

Then I had to enable the Network Manager service.

sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service

This got the Internet working and then I could finish setting it up and get Firefox synced. But this was quite painless.

Another way is this.

sudo systemctl enable dhcpd.service


systemctl enable dhcpcd@enp5s0

Replace “enp5s0” with the network device you wish to use, e.g enp0s25. This works automatically and is very simple to use. But Arch Linux is very fast and easy to use, it is fast to install and very fast to load, even with Systemd and the other bloat I have installed it is still very fast to load. So why is Ubuntu so slow? is it just the spyware and other stuff that makes the interface so unwieldy and wonky? I do not know, but Canonical sure knows how to make a very bloated installation for sure.

When using the Xterm terminal emulator, you may access menus by holding the Control key and then either pressing the left or right mouse keys or the mouse wheel down. this will access various menus to access the properties of the Xterm terminal emulator.

When you have copied text from another source, press the middle mouse button to paste it into the terminal. This is very simple to do. Using Arch Linux is just like using Linux in the old days, it boots very fast and is very sleek. Modern Linux distributions have no excuse to be as bloated as they are. All I need to do is add my old Ubuntu installation as a mount-point and then I may access my old music files. This would not be too difficult to do unless it is an LVM volume. But that is not impossible. This could be done with the device name, e.g /dev/sdb1, or the UUID.

Set the background wallpaper for Fluxbox like this.

feh --bg-max forest_creek_2-wallpaper-3440x1440.jpg

This is for a wallpaper that matches the desktop resolution.

xterm*geometry: 80x25
xterm*faceName: terminus:bold:pixelsize=14
!xterm*font: -*-dina-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
xterm*dynamicColors: true
xterm*utf8: 2
xterm*eightBitInput: true
xterm*saveLines: 512
xterm*scrollKey: true
xterm*scrollTtyOutput: false
xterm*scrollBar: true
xterm*rightScrollBar: true
xterm*jumpScroll: true
xterm*multiScroll: true
xterm*toolBar: false
XTerm*background: black
XTerm*foreground: gray
XTerm*title: terminal
XTerm*saveLines: 1024

The ~/.Xresources file above will make the Xterm terminal emulator look even better. The ~/.Xresources file is a very easy way to customize the look of applications running on the Xorg windowing system.

To copy text from an Xterm, highlight the text and press Shift-PrintScr. Then to paste it into a program, press Shift-Middle mouse Button. This is a neat trick I only just discovered, this makes my life on Arch Linux much easier.

More information here.

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