Posted: 7 October 2016. At: 5:56 PM. This was 8 years ago. Post ID: 6054
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Amazing sights and facts about our universe. What is really out there in the vastness of space?

Following on from this posting:, here is another post about the amazing universe we inhabit. One amazing sight in the universe is the Neutron Star. This is a stellar body that is about 20 kilometers in diameter and has 1000 billion times the gravity of the Earth. This would have the ability to bend light with its immense gravity and the surface would be extremely smooth due to the gravitational pull. it is theorized that matter composed of Preons stripped from Neutrons could exist at the core of this star, the core would be under unimaginable pressure due to the weight of the matter above. if one came near the Earth, it would suck apart the planet like a black hole. They rotate at huge speeds, some of them have a day only a millisecond long. We could never get close to a Neutron Star, it would tear apart a ship easily. Another type of Neutron Star is a Magnetar; this is a Neutron Star with a massive magnetic field that is so powerful it would disintegrate a person that came within the field. Every part of you would be pulled away from every other part of you.

Falling into a wormhole.

The magnetic field of a Magnetar is 108-1011 tesla.[5] This is far more powerful than the magnetic field of our planet. and of course they have the massive gravity of a Neutron Star as well. Only a black hole would have more gravity. Of course a black hole is the perfect assassin, nothing can escape the gravity past the event horizon. The movie Event Horizon used a black hole to fold space and travel; but this may have not been an actual black hole, just a way to create a wormhole to travel from one place to another. Wormholes are only theoretical though. We do not have enough energy or exotic matter to be able to hold open a wormhole that we could travel through. There is a good scientific discussion of wormholes here: This explains that you could use exotic matter to hold a wormhole open; but this is something for the future as we do not have anything like this yet. But it shows that we could send light-signals from one universe to another; so maybe we could send data through the wormhole and use teleportation to send a person through to the other universe.

That is a thought that is quite incredible to dwell upon. But another universe could have quite different physics to our universe and traveling there could be a bad idea. But if we found a compatible universe, then we could travel there somehow and escape the heat death of our own universe. although we have trillions of years to go yet, but eventually the stars will burn out and the black holes will dissipate and there will be nothing left. After 1.7×10106 years, all of the black holes in the universe would have dissipated and this would result in an empty universe that has only particles left that are gradually decaying and slowing to a low energy state and cooling down to absolute zero. After 1010 to the power of 50 years, it is theorized that a Boltzman brain life-form could exist after this time period out of random entropy. There is more information here: Google Books. This is incredible. And, on this date: 15:30:08 UTC on 4 December 292,277,026,596 AD, the Unix time stamp will exceed the largest value that can be held in a signed 64-bit integer. So we had better upgrade to 128 bit computers before the year 300,000,000.

The Voyager II probe will pass within 4.3 light years of the star Sirius in the year 296,000. This is good news, the probe could be discovered by another race if they happen upon it in the time it takes to pass by at 37,000 miles per hour. in the year 4,000,000 the Pioneer 11 space probe will pass close to one of the stars in the constellation Aquila. Another chance for close contact; but it would take a very long time to hear back from any aliens that might encounter the probe. The closest star in the constellation is 45 light years away from us. This is too far for a casual jaunt in a rocket. This gives an idea of the size of the universe. The Voyager II probe would have taken 75,000 years to get to the nearest star Proxima Centauri if we had sent it there in the 70`s. That gives an idea of how far away those points of light in the night sky are. This posting of mine explains some more cool things present in the space around us and the origins of carbon in the hearts of giant stars: Giant stars that existed soon after the big bang created carbon in their cores at massive temperatures and this is the process that resulted in carbon based life existing in the universe.

–ex nihilo omnia…

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