Posted: 23 May 2016. At: 8:54 PM. This was 8 years ago. Post ID: 9164
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Will we ever completely replace the hard drive?

I  am wondering, if due to the popularity of the SSD solid state hard drives, are we going to see the end of the conventional hard disk with metal platters and read-write heads that skitter over the surface floating on a cushion of air. The SSD drives are getting better and better but do not have the capacity to match a standard hard disk. I would love to have a SSD if it had at least a 500GiB capacity and extremely fast read and write speeds, enabling a super fast boot time with Debian. They would only be very useful if they were reliable and long lasting. The TRIM function required by SSD drives on Linux is included in the 2.6.33 kernel and the ext4 filesystem is desired for installation on an SSD drive. Even if you did not install all of the operating system on the SSD, it would make an extremely good boot drive if you put the /boot partition on it then it could load the kernel & initrd off the fast solid state drive and that would boot the system very fast. If you included /lib on the SSD that would help as well.

Debian starts very fast with the kernel supplied with Debian Unstable and this is the most recent kernel from the stable branch. Debian Unstable is the Debian repository for the latest versions of software that is not available in the Debian Stable repository, but the software in that branch in my experience is just as stable and reliable. Debian has come a long way since the Debian 3.0 “Woody” release on the 19th of July 2002. I have used that and it was extremely reliable and usable. The KDE 2 desktop was light years ahead of the bloated mess that it is now and the Konqueror file manager was preferable to the Dolphin file manager that KDE 4.5 uses now. And the text mode installer with ncurses screens was not too hard to use, the only hard thing was using dselect, but that just takes experience. Debian 6.0 with the graphical installer is even easier to setup and get working. You can just download the minimal installation ISO and install the rest of the packages from the http or an ftp site, but I downloaded the 4.3 GiB DVD ISO and installed Debian from that. The Youtube video I have included shows an old laptop loading Debian Linux 3.0 which takes me back. I have even had Xandros linux installed one time which was also a very good and fun Linux distribution.

Then there was Lindows Linux, which was re-named Linspire which was aimed at new users of Linux and gave people a stable and easy to use Linux desktop using KDE.

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