Posted: 13 February 2016. At: 8:03 PM. This was 8 years ago. Post ID: 8715
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Different ways to get user and system information on Linux.

The who command on Linux and UNIX systems will list all currently logged in users on your system.

jason@darknet:~$ who -Htu
NAME     LINE         TIME             IDLE          PID COMMENT
jason    :0           2016-02-13 13:43   ?          1895 (:0)
jason    tty2         2016-02-13 13:43 00:01        2164
jason    pts/0        2016-02-13 13:43   .          2178 (:0.0)

List all currently logged in users with the users command.

jason@darknet:~$ users
jason jason jason

Another way to list all users currently logged in.

jason@darknet:~$ w
 13:50:03 up 7 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.49, 0.35
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
jason    :0       :0               13:43   ?xdm?   1:19   0.27s mate-session
jason    tty2                      13:43    6:20   0.19s  0.14s -bash
jason    pts/0    :0.0             13:43    3.00s  0.18s  0.00s w

Print the contents of the utmp file easily with the utmpdump /var/run/utmp command.

jason@darknet:~$ utmpdump /var/run/utmp 
Utmp dump of /var/run/utmp
[2] [00000] [~~  ] [reboot  ] [~           ] [3.16.0-4-amd64      ] [        ] [Sat Feb 13 13:42:24 2016    ]
[6] [00770] [tty1] [LOGIN   ] [tty1        ] [                    ] [        ] [Sat Feb 13 13:42:49 2016    ]
[1] [00053] [~~  ] [runlevel] [~           ] [3.16.0-4-amd64      ] [        ] [Sat Feb 13 13:42:58 2016    ]
[7] [01895] [:0  ] [jason   ] [:0          ] [:0                  ] [        ] [Sat Feb 13 13:43:12 2016    ]
[7] [02164] [tty2] [jason   ] [tty2        ] [                    ] [        ] [Sat Feb 13 13:43:34 2016    ]
[7] [02178] [/0  ] [jason   ] [pts/0       ] [:0.0                ] [        ] [Sat Feb 13 13:43:58 2016    ]
[7] [02372] [tty3] [jason   ] [tty3        ] [                    ] [        ] [Sat Feb 13 13:52:25 2016    ]

Print information about your computer’s memory. The -gh parameter will print human-readable units in gigabytes.

jason@darknet:~$ free -gh
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          5.7G       962M       4.8G        39M        40M       356M
-/+ buffers/cache:       565M       5.2G
Swap:         7.5G         0B       7.5G

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