Posted: 30 November 2015. At: 10:57 PM. This was 9 years ago. Post ID: 8529
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Useful tips and tricks for the UNIX VIM editor.

When in command mode, press the u key to undo the last change to a file.

Press U to undo last change(s) on a line.

To open a file at a certain line, start it like this: vim +567 file.txt. This will open the file file.txt on line 567.

Using the VIM editor for Linux is a good way to edit configuration files and write programming code. if the VIM editor is not installed on your system then type sudo apt-get install vim. To type text once you have entered the editor, press the i key to enter editing mode. To delete a line of text, move to that line and then press the d key in command mode. This is reached by pressing Esc to exit editing mode. in the command mode, you may type :w to save the current file, :q! to exit without saving and :wq to exit and save your current file. If you type :w myfile2.txt then the file currently being edited will be saved as a copy of the current buffer with that file name.

To open the file with the cursor on the line of paragraph that contains a certain string of text then type this at the bash prompt: vim myfile.txt +/foo and the file will be opened at the first occurrence of the text string “foo”. For a C source file, you can type vim myfile.cpp +/main and the file will be opened at the first occurrence of main().

If you wish to insert a file into a file you are editing, exit to command mode and type :r and the path to the filename. Below is an example.

:r /etc/bash.bashrc

This will insert the contents of that file at the cursor position.

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