Arma 3 tips and information for new players of this war simulation game.

  1. Useful tip for the Titan launcher
  2. Military manuals for learning the lingo and much information about weapons and tactics.
  3. How to aim with an MOS or LRPS scope without a rangefinder
  4. Arma 3 weapons in real life
  5. The AH-99 Blackfoot has homing rockets
  6. Best way to lay down fire on a town in Domination
  7. How to aim at extreme range with a tank gun in vanilla Arma 3.
  8. Useful keys for controlling your soldier.
  9. Other useful tips.
  10. Useful Arma 3 code samples
  11. ACE3 tips for Arma 3 players
  12. GPS tips
  13. Sniping tip

Useful tip for the Titan launcher

In vanilla Arma 3, the Titan locks on to a target and you may then fire. But if you fire without a lock, then keep the crosshairs on the target, the rocket will guide to the target anyway. This is how you use AP rockets to engage infantry, these are high explosive and useful against light vehicles as well.

Military manuals for learning the lingo and much information about weapons and tactics.

There is a PDF keyboard layout file in your Arma 3 directory.

The manual is located here.

\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3_manual.pdf.

How to aim with an MOS or LRPS scope without a rangefinder This user guide will teach you how to use the mildots on the scope to calculate the range without using a rangefinder. Very useful for long range sniping.

Arma 3 weapons in real life

This is the .408 caliber m200 sniper rifle. This is the BLUFOR sniper rifle of choice in the game.

The GM6 Lynx is a .50 caliber sniper rifle that can fire discarding sabot rounds.

Here is a real-life equivalent.

Titan AA/AT missile launcher. The real life version of this is called the Rafael Mini Spike and can take out an MRAP or other ground vehicle.

Here is the launcher in real life showing the size of the rocket.

OPFOR Katiba rifle. This is based upon the KH2002 rifle manufactured in Iran.

The AH-99 Blackfoot has homing rockets

The HE rockets on the AH-99 Blackfoot are homing capable. Normally, you put the crosshairs on the target and this defines where the rocket will go even at 1800 meters, but if you are aiming at a vehicle and you press t, the FCS system will lock on to the target just as you do with a Titan or a PCML. But it could take 4-5 rockets to take out a tank. Best used against lighter-skinned targets. This does work well though. Good for engaging targets at long range like an Ifrit or a Marid.

Taking out an MRAP with the HE rockets in a Blackfoot.
Taking out an MRAP with the HE rockets in an AH-99 Blackfoot in Arma 3.

Best way to lay down fire on a town in Domination

The best way to lay down fire on a town in Domination is with an RPG Alamut and HE rockets. These have quite a large blast radius. You cannot really do much damage to vehicles with them, but against personnel, they do a lot of damage. I have killed an Ifrit with one RPG AT rocket, but this is tricky at 600 meters. Just aim carefully and this will destroy a vehicle. Just do not count on destroying a tank with one shot. If you fire at it from an elevated position it can cause quite a lot of damage.

How to aim at extreme range with a tank gun in vanilla Arma 3.

If you are playing vanilla Arma 3 and you wish to hit a target at 4700 meters range, aim at the target with the crosshairs and press t. This will enable laser range-finding and enable you to hit a target at that extreme range. If you aim slightly high on the target, this will help when hitting at this range. This also works with the IFV Cheetah when you have switched to the guns. You will get a locked on star when you are aimed properly at the target. As shown in the screenshot below.

Arma 3 tank sniping, long range.
Arma 3 tank sniping, long range.

The screen-shot above shows an example of this technique. Very useful for firing at Selekano from a safe distance in Domination. Until the jet blows you up…

If you want to fire three grenades at once, use a MX 3GL and 40mm 3rnd HE grenades. This loads three grenades into the launcher at once and they are fired one after the other as fast as you can press the trigger. Very good for blanketing a town or enemy stronghold.

Useful keys for controlling your soldier.

The left Alt key on your keyboard when held down will allow you to use freelook independent of the direction of your weapon. This can be useful for looking back as you run forward.

When you are using the Arco sight that has a scope and a red dot sight, use the / key on your number pad to switch between them. The – and + keys change the magnification for more powerful rifle scopes. Also, if you are looking through the scope, press left Ctrl and numpad / to change between the collimator and acog scopes.

The Arco sight using the red dot mode.
The Arco sight using the red dot mode.
The Arco sight using the scope mode.
The Arco sight using the scope mode.

The laser range-finder is used to find the range of a target when you are sniping. This screenshot shows it in action, get the range of a target and then use Page up or page down on your keyboard to set the zeroing on your rifle to match. Exempli Gratia, if it is 1867 meters, then set the zeroing to 1800 meters and you should hit the target.

Arma 3 laser rangefinder.
Arma 3 laser rangefinder.

Turn on vehicle freelook in the game options and you will be able to freely look around whilst in a vehicle. This is useful in a helicopter. Or hold the left Alt key on your keyboard.

When viewing the map, hold Left Shift and click on the map to leave a waypoint visible only to you. This is a good way to find your way to a certain place on the map, and to find out how faraway something is.

Other useful tips.

In Arma 3, run uphill in a zigzag pattern to allow you to move faster uphill. This makes a difference when you are trying to make it to a target before other players get there.

The scope reticle depicted below has a sloped line above a straight line below the crosshairs. This is used to calculate the range. Simply line up the bottom line with the feet of a human target and where the sloped line intersects with his head is the range. IE, if the head of the target lines up with the 4, this means it is 400 meters to the target. This is how you use a scope like this without a range-finder.

SVD riflescope Arma 3.
SVD riflescope Arma 3.

The scope for a Dragunov SVD pictured above, goes out to 1000 meters. You can see how small a person would be at that range. You would need to be lying down and have steady aim to hit someone at that range.

Useful Arma 3 code samples

This code will place a custom town label. This can be used to label your FOB. Put this into the initServer.sqf file and put the location to get this to work.

_location = createLocation [ "NameVillage" , [2007.62,4075.26,0], 100, 100];
_location setText "CSAT FOB.";

Put this code into the init.sqf. This will print a message in sidechat when the player throws an RGO grenade.

player addEventHandler ["Fired",
   if ((_this select 4) isEqualTo "GrenadeHand") then
		player sidechat "Frag out!";

ACE3 tips for Arma 3 players

The ACE3 mod for Arma 3 offers great advantages to the advanced player. To new users, it could be intimidating, but the wealth of gameplay changes, outweigh this.

GPS tips

To use the DAGR or MicroDAGR GPS units, put them in your vest and then press HOME to open the GPS unit. Press HOME again to open it again to configure it. Once a waypoint has been set, press HOME once more to put it back to the right corner of your screen.

When you have the MicroDAGR open, click the map button and then double-click on the map where you wish to place a waypoint.

MicroDAGR map screen.
MicroDAGR map screen.

Then click OK on this screen.

MicroDAGR waypoint.
MicroDAGR waypoint.

This will set the waypoint. Now on the screen shown below, click Set WP.

MicroDAGR waypoints list.
MicroDAGR waypoints list.

And then the waypoint will be set and this can easily be used for navigation using the compass mode.

MicroDAGR compass mode, showing a waypoint.
MicroDAGR compass mode, showing a waypoint.

Sniping tip

To get the range of a target with ACE3, use the Vector rangefinder and the AtragMX.

Hold TAB and R together to get the range and bearing of a sniper target.

Getting range of target with Vector rangefinder.
Getting range of target with Vector rangefinder.

And this is the resulting data, that has been fed to the AtragMX ballistic computer.

The resulting data, fed into the AtragMX.
The resulting data, fed into the AtragMX.

That is how you snipe with ACE3 easily. This really works, just take a shot and it should land right near the target. In my case, it was only about a foot to the right. But this is very good and would need only minor correction. ACE3 does not allow mildot corrections of 0.16, only 0.1 0r 0.2.

My shot was only slightly off at 651 meters.
My shot was only slightly off at 651 meters.

This is a very good way to snipe at long range though. Especially with Advanced Ballistics enabled.

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