Posted: 22 March 2014. At: 11:58 PM. This was 10 years ago. Post ID: 7089
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Twitter blocked in Turkey, but there are solutions to route around this censorship.

As written in this posting: The Turkish government has just banned Twitter access on their Internet. This is another step towards government censorship and control of the Internet. This is not a good move by the Turkish government. This will lead to users with technical knowledge to use TOR to tunnel through the censorship and still access the Social Media microblogging website. The Internet is still usable as long as you have a connection. The users could setup a TOR network and share information that way. The censorship should not prevent users from sharing information on the world wide web. This on top of the Trans Pacific Partnership is another threat to an open and free Internet that allows people from all over the world to learn and share drunken party pics on Friendface. But that is part of the freedom that comes with the Internet. Even in the days of Geocities, there were so many websites that sprang up about various topics. And there were communities that you could join that allowed you to communicate with others with similar interests. That was the glory days of the Internet. And before that, you could dial up a Bulletin Board System or BBS and communicate with users and download files without needing an Internet connection. Just a 28.8 Kilobits modem and a telephone line. Now we have always-on Internet connections of varying speeds. In Australia we have an average speed of 10 megabits per second. That is not bad, but we need faster Internet for teleconferencing and downloading ever larger games and patches. There is a new game coming out that is a 60 Gigabyte download. That would require quite a lot of bandwidth to download.

Turkish Twitter users may still use the popular service.
Turkish Twitter users may still use the popular service.

The largest torrent file I have ever heard about was a 2.75 Terabyte rainbow table. That would require quite an investment in time to download… Getting back to the Turkish Twitter ban, this article shows that this might be a short-lived ban: But I am not holding my breath for a positive outcome. The world is looking for a missing plane, the MH370 777. This missing flight is taking up all of the news space, I wonder what else is going on whilst we are all looking for a missing aeroplane. How can something like that go missing when it is such a large aircraft? Anyway, in Turkey, there are still ways to tweet by getting around the censorship. Services like TOR are very useful, here is a list of ways to continue communicating: This should work well for users in that embattled country who still need to communicate with other people around the world.

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