Posted: 20 January 2014. At: 11:52 AM. This was 10 years ago. Post ID: 6904
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How to disable the caps lock key permanently on Linux Mint and Ubuntu.

The caps lock key on Linux is very annoying when hit accidentally. Especially when you are typing a password. This simple command will disable the key permanently.

homer@deusexmachina ~ $ setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps

If you put this in Startup Applications which may be found under System-Preferences-Startup Applications, the caps lock key will be disabled when your Linux Mint MATE desktop loads up. This is a very good trick.

Edit Startup Programs.
Edit Startup Programs.

This way you will never be bothered by the caps lock key ever again.

4 thoughts on “How to disable the caps lock key permanently on Linux Mint and Ubuntu.

  1. Thank you thank you thank you! I’m new to Linux Mint, so I’m not confident with coding/terminal commands. Following your instructions was easy, and it worked perfectly.

  2. Hi, thx for the tip. An alternate method would be this

    sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool

    open Tweak after install and go to the Typing section to change the behavior.

  3. very sweet blog about and it content very useful information How to disable the caps lock key permanently on Linux Mint and Ubuntu. also so it is the right combination of information and printing keep doing that in future also

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