Posted: 23 November 2021. At: 7:24 PM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 6595
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How to install the Midnight Commander file manager on Ubuntu 14.04.

Install and use Midnight Commander on Linux easily on Ubuntu. This is a most important utility

The Midnight Commander is a very useful file manager application for Linux that has a text editor as well as many other useful features for managing your files.

Midnight Commander file manager.
Midnight Commander file manager.

To install this on Ubuntu; type this command.

homer@lollinux-machina:~$ sudo apt-get install mc

This will install the Midnight Commander file manager ready for use.

Run Midnight Commander like this to get a monochrome transparent display.

'screen' can create multiple "windows" which you can detach and re-attach
later.  The Byobu package makes screen even
└──╼  ╼ $ mc -b

This Midnight Commander parameter will open a file in the viewer.

└──╼  ╼ $ mc -v .bashrc

To open a file in the internal editor, use this parameter, this is very useful to a Linux user.

└──╼  ╼ $ mc -e .bashrc

To disable the display of ASCII line characters if your terminal does not use them, the -s parameter will help.

└──╼  ╼ $ mc -s

2 thoughts on “How to install the Midnight Commander file manager on Ubuntu 14.04.

  1. thank you john for sharing your love of mc and byobu.
    i’m on the same boat for a long time,
    but in a newer installation, byobu won’t let me use the function keys as mc needs.
    especially, Shift-F5, paste file, and Shift-F7, search again, are blocked.
    did you find / solve this problem?

    1. Note: This only works if you use Byobu with tmux as the back end. See other answers for Byobu with screen as the back end.

      Just press Shift+F12 To toggle F-keys on and off.

      Example: Launch htop (within a Byobu pane of course) then enter Shift+F12, then if you press F3 you will search in htop processes, not switch to the left Byobu window/pane.

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