Posted: 30 September 2013. At: 12:40 PM. This was 11 years ago. Post ID: 6359
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A quick listing of the most common network ports used today.

The Internet makes use of many ports for connectivity, this is a necessary part of the networks that compose the global network and enables all kinds of network protocols to work together. Here are some of the most common ports in use.

  1. Echo: 7 – echo is used to test the communication between hosts. Any data that is sent to port number 7 is echoed back to the host.
  2. Daytime: 13 – Responds to any connection with the time of day on the server.
  3. FTP: 21 – used for transferring files.
  4. TELNET: 23 – Used for connecting to a remote machine over a network. Not encrypted and not secure.
  5. SMTP: 25 The port used for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Used for transferring E-Mail over a network.
  6. WHOIS: 43 A directory service for looking up users on a remote server. This is commonly used to get registration information for a domain.
  7. Finger: 79 Displays information about a user logged into a server.
  8. HTTP: 80 This is the port that everyone uses. Web servers serve out requests on port 80 when giving out a HTML page.
  9. POP3: 110 This is the Post Office Protocol 3, this is used to retrieve stored E-Mail from a mail server.
  10. NNTP: 119 Network News Transfer Protocol. This is used by the venerable usenet network to transfer news and files.
  11. HTTPS: 443 Secure HTTP Protocol. This is HTTP running on top of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for secured web browsing.

For a more comprehensive list of all network ports; there is a list of them on Windows machines in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\services file. For those of us on other operating systems there is a list on Wikipedia:

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