Posted: 7 July 2013. At: 8:13 PM. This was 11 years ago. Post ID: 5939
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Europe and Japan Aiming to Build 100Gbps Fibre Optic Internet.

The European Commission (EC) and Japan have announced the launch of six joint research projects, supported by £15.3m+ (€18m) in funding, that aim to build networks which are “5000 times faster than today’s average European broadband ISP speed (100Gbps compared to 19.7Mbps)“.

Europe and Japan are both planning to deploy 100 Gigabit per second Internet connections to the local coverage areas to provide much faster connections than previous connections could provide. Fiber Optic networks with this much bandwidth would be better suited to the types of data transferred with modern Internet connections. Downloading movies and uploading large video files in HD to Youtube as well as posting photos to Facebook would be much faster with this type of connection speed. While Australia is rolling out a broadband plan that will give customers 20 to 100 Megabits per second, this 100 Gigabit per second plan will give a customer more speed than they would ever need for a while. The problem with the Labor government is that their broadband plan when rolled out will already be outdated. The connection speeds should be much faster than 20 Megabits per second by now, there is a Japanese Internet provider that is already offering 2 Gigabits per second Internet speeds. This is expensive to setup, but about $51 per month after that. Much better value than the National Broadband Network plans. Australia is going backwards in terms of technology and the controversy over the asbestos in the Telstra cable pits is not helping the argument in favor of the National Broadband Network at all.

Even though you can only get a 1 Gigabit speed through a consumer Ethernet card, a fast Internet speed is still a good thing to have, this allows faster browsing and more bandwidth for intensive downloading. So why is Australia stuck in the past with the slow 10 Megabits per second speeds that we have to put up with? We could have much faster speeds that would revolutionize the medical industry as well as teleconferencing in HD and education. Distance students would be able to watch a class live in high quality and this would be very good for learning in the 21st century. it is anno 2013 and we need better technology to advance our civilization. Why would you restrict the technology available to the public and spend large amounts of money on politicians wages instead, which are going up and up, whilst public services are cut back and staff are laid off. But the world is going downhill with terrorism and the constant wars. That is all that you hear about these days. Not improving the infrastructure to benefit all Australians. And we have the PRISM Internet surveillance system that is treating all Internet users as if they are terrorists. That is what we need to worry about, just as we needed to worry about the Internet filter that Steven Conroy wanted to bring in. Hopefully the future will bring better technology without us being spied on like terrorists.

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