Posted: 11 December 2012. At: 8:09 PM. This was 12 years ago. Post ID: 5020
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Voyager Linux; a nice Linux distribution based on Ubuntu 12.10 with extra eye candy.

Voyager 12.10 Linux desktop with transparent terminal.
Voyager 12.10 Linux desktop with transparent terminal.

This is the new Voyager Linux distribution; this is based on Ubuntu 12.10 and includes quite a few extra packages and addons to give far more eye candy than the default Unity desktop. This distribution uses the Xfce4 desktop and is well worth installing if you want some nice eye candy and something different than the default Ubuntu desktops you are usually presented with. The linked website is in French; but use Google translate and it is perfectly readable if you are not a native speaker. There is a 64bit ISO available for download that is 993 megabytes in size and is a Live CD/USB ISO that is easily booted to try out the distribution. You could easily build your own distribution like this with Debian or Arch Linux; but this comes ready to go and that would have to be pretty cool in my book. The Elive Debian Linux distribution is also available and this is another distro that offers a good amount of eye candy as well as performance.

Downloading the Voyager distribution with Transmission.
Downloading the Voyager distribution with Transmission.

Here is a nice screenshot of the Voyager desktop showing the custom PS1, nice transparent terminal and lovely text on the desktop. This is one very nice looking distribution; even running in Virtualbox without the guest additions; this distribution is very fast and reliable indeed. There are many people on Windows who like to use rainmeter to spruce up their desktops. This is the Linux alternative; a fast and smooth Linux distribution that offers speed and good looks in one awesome package. The range of multimedia software that is included is quite good; the Minitube Youtube client is included as well as the Clementine music player; Parole video playback application and even the mocp console music player that can run in an xterm. There is not much in the way of Office software other than the Document Viewer for reading PDF files; but the GIMP image editing application is included for editing your photographs and creating graphics. The WICD network manager is the default network manager instead of the Gnome Network Manager that is usually used on a Linux distribution.

Overall, this is a good Linux distribution and well worth a try if you want to try out a different Linux distribution that offers a very pretty desktop indeed.

Download this Linux distribution here:

4 thoughts on “Voyager Linux; a nice Linux distribution based on Ubuntu 12.10 with extra eye candy.

  1. Can you be a little more spesific about the name of the wallpaper package, cuz the link you gave seems to be down…

  2. It was love at first sight when I tested Voyager 12.10. But I don’t know how to make an internet connection with USB mobile broadband modem ZTE MF190. Can anyone to help me? In Ubuntu is very easy to make this connection.

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