Posted: 5 November 2021. At: 7:43 PM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 4799
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Interesting and useful commands available using the BASH shell on Linux.

This is an interesting command to view your command history when you are using Bash.

└──╼  ╼ $ hash
hits	command
   1	/usr/bin/gethostip
   1	/usr/bin/sudo

This command is a Bash shell built-in command. If you are using the tcsh or zsh shells; this command will not be available to you. As shown below; you may also use the history command to show the last 10 commands executed by the user.

└──╼  ╼ $ history 10
  693  gethostip
  694  sudo apt install syslinux-utils
  695  gethostip
  696  gethostip | awk {"print $2"}
  697  gethostip | awk '{"print $2"}'
  698  gethostip | awk '{"print $1"}'
  699  gethostip | awk '{print $1}'
  700  gethostip | awk '{print $2}'
  701  hash
  702  history 10

This Linux command will return the IP address of a hostname. In this case the IP address of Google.

Install this command with this package.

└──╼  ╼ $ sudo apt install syslinux-utils
└──╼  ╼ $ gethostip | awk '{print $2}'

You can also use the ping command to get this information but it is good to cover all the bases when discussing Linux commands.

Here is a tutorial on how to add a new user to an Ubuntu system with the command-line.

Some useful tricks for the Linux command-line using the find command and backticks:

How to check the status of your laptop battery and CPU temperature with the Linux command-line:

Some miscellaneous BASH shell tricks that will amaze your friends:

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