Posted: 3 October 2012. At: 9:44 PM. This was 12 years ago. Post ID: 4651
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Pirate bay gone and Windows and Macintosh security concerns. Linux wins on that front.

Star Trek Original series. The best Star Trek.
Star Trek Original series. The best Star Trek.

The recent raid that took down the Wikileaks and Piratebay websites could be a sign of things to come. The SOPA and SIPA bills that Congress tried to pass through as well as the ACTA bill are about stopping the sharing of copyrighted material; but other things such as the demonization of social media in movies like “Cyberbully” points to a method of pushing the public perception of the Internet as a danger to those that are unwary of the risks posed by those that would use the assumed anonymity of the Internet to abuse others. But if people took more care when friending people on websites such as Facebook and Twitter as well as not giving out personal information then the Internet could be a safer place without all of the trolls ruining the lives of those who attract attention. In Australia there was a popular celebrity who was hounded by Twitter trolls and had to be hospitalised. Another thing to take care with on Twitter are the users that send you messages that claim to have incriminating videos or pictures of you and link you to a page asking you to login to Twitter to see what they claim is an embarrassing video of you. When in fact it is a specially crafted page that will steal your login details. The best thing to do is block the user sending the messages or report it as an abuse of the carriage service.

The Internet is a great place for learning and discovery; but you must exercise caution when you are browsing the web and be on the lookout for dangerous websites if you are using either Linux or Windows. The Firefox web browser and the Nocript plugin is your best friend. This will protect you against XSS or Cross Site Scripting attacks as well as one clickable element hidden under another. Ghostery is another good plugin that will protect you against annoying elements on web pages. There are many scams on the Internet and the prevalence of spam E-Mail has not lessened over the years at all; but the spam messages are easily filtered by the Gmail web mail service; it is good to check the Spam box sometimes to make sure no legitimate and important messages have gotten through. It does not matter if you are using Windows or Linux; it is important to make sure your software is kept up to date and all security patches and/or service packs are installed. On Linux this is easy: for Fedora type yum update; on Debian and the child distributions type: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade this will download and install all of your pending updates. For the OpenSUSE Linux distribution type sudo zypper ref && sudo zypper up. That command will perform the same tasks.

Now that the Pirate Bay has gone down other websites will pop up offering the same services; but one by one they will suffer the same fate as the Mediafire website. That was being used by pirates to share copyrighted material; but there were many legitimate files on that website that are now gone. This is a good lesson that you can not trust cloud hosting providers wit the only backup of your precious files. It is best to have a local backup as well; or burn the files to a DVD-R and give copies to your family. Sure; use cloud storage if you keep other backups; but you must ensure that all files are synced with each location. Maybe E-Mail smaller files to yourself and use Gmail as a storage provider; Google Drive is a good service if you are not interested in Microsoft Skydrive. The college I study computing at blocks the Skydrive page so I have to use the Google Drive or a USB thumb drive to store files instead. A 2 Terabyte external hard drive may be had for about AU$100.00 if you look around; that is another good way to store files. If someone is running Linux and keeps their software up to date; then they should not have the level of problems experienced by users of Windows. But what I hate are those websites that offer a download of a legitimate piece of software and they want you to download and install a “Download Manager” instead when Firefox and Chrome already have serviceable download managers built in.

Websites that do that are an annoyance; why not just have that page that says: “your download will start soon or would you like a direct link Sir?” Those are a better option than downloading and installing a file on Windows that will install pointless toolbars into your browser. But at least reputable sites like Sourceforge do not do this as they know that most Linux users would not run unknown and unsigned executables from the Internet. Installing only signed packages from your distributions repositories is a good way to keep your system secure. Fedora offers the NSA Selinux system which can keep you system secure and Apparmor will also fulfil this task. But in general the many eyes approach to system security means that the safety and security of the many Linux distributions and the kernel itself is assured. Closed source operating systems like Apple Macintosh and the Windows releases are famous for targeted Malware. Apple OSX is on the receiving end of a growing attack by malicious software that is due to the fact that the Macintosh operating system does not have a perfect security record and will soon have as much malware as Windows if nothing is done soon. I am sure that Apple will come out with a security package that can protect the Macintosh operating system from damage from malicious software. That will have to be done soon, otherwise the operating system will gain a bad reputation.

It is bad enough that the iPhone 5 camera appears to be extremely senstivitive to ultraviolet light and therefore shows a purple haze when pointed at a light source; especially the Sun or flourescent lights that radiate ultraviolet light. Someone pointed the iPhone 5 at a blacklight and got a powerful purple haze; this confirms the fact that the iPhone 5 is showing sensitivity to this region of the spectrum. I guess that could be a useful device for looking into the ultraviolet spectrum; but you could purchase an ultraviolet filter from a camera shop and hold it over the lens when taking a photograph. That would be another way to fix this problem. Why would Apple release a phone with a camera that had such a flaw? But they will fix this I am sure; the iPhone 6 will be even better I just know it will… Purchasing a real digital camera is a better idea as you save the images on an SD card and a Linux computer can easily read those.

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