Posted: 24 August 2012. At: 10:14 PM. This was 12 years ago. Post ID: 4490
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Getting information about an ISO image and many obscure Linux commands.

This command shows the filesize of an ISO image.

-21:19:07-- flynn@flynn-grid-runner [/media/Elements/Files/ISOs]$ isosize -d 1024 en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso 

This may also be achieved with the ls command.

-21:19:06-- flynn@flynn-grid-runner [/media/Elements/Files/ISOs]$ ls -Hula en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso 
-rw------- 1 flynn flynn 3.1G  17-03-12 10:48 pm en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-65922.iso

The od command will print out a file in octal format.

-21:30:21-- flynn@flynn-grid-runner [~/Desktop]$ od Document.txt 
0000000 177377 000124 000157 000040 000166 000151 000145 000167
0000020 000040 000164 000150 000145 000040 000143 000157 000156
0000040 000164 000145 000156 000164 000163 000040 000157 000146
0000060 000040 000141 000156 000040 000111 000123 000117 000040
0000100 000240 000151 000155 000141 000147 000145 000054 000040
0000120 000164 000150 000145 000040 000151 000163 000157 000151
0000140 000156 000146 000157 000040 000143 000157 000155 000155
0000160 000141 000156 000144 000040 000146 000157 000162 000040
0000200 000114 000151 000156 000165 000170 000040 000167 000151

The hd command will do the same thing in hexadecimal format.

-21:30:25-- flynn@flynn-grid-runner [~/Desktop]$ hd Document.txt 
00000000  ff fe 54 00 6f 00 20 00  76 00 69 00 65 00 77 00  |..T.o. .v.i.e.w.|
00000010  20 00 74 00 68 00 65 00  20 00 63 00 6f 00 6e 00  | .t.h.e. .c.o.n.|
00000020  74 00 65 00 6e 00 74 00  73 00 20 00 6f 00 66 00  |t.e.n.t.s. .o.f.|
00000030  20 00 61 00 6e 00 20 00  49 00 53 00 4f 00 20 00  | .a.n. .I.S.O. .|
00000040  a0 00 69 00 6d 00 61 00  67 00 65 00 2c 00 20 00  |..i.m.a.g.e.,. .|
00000050  74 00 68 00 65 00 20 00  69 00 73 00 6f 00 69 00  |t.h.e. .i.s.o.i.|
00000060  6e 00 66 00 6f 00 20 00  63 00 6f 00 6d 00 6d 00  |n.f.o. .c.o.m.m.|
00000070  61 00 6e 00 64 00 20 00  66 00 6f 00 72 00 20 00  |a.n.d. .f.o.r. .|
00000080  4c 00 69 00 6e 00 75 00  78 00 20 00 77 00 69 00  |L.i.n.u.x. .w.i.|
00000090  6c 00 6c 00 20 00 63 00  6f 00 6d 00 65 00 20 00  |l.l. .c.o.m.e. .|
000000a0  69 00 6e 00 20 00 76 00  65 00 72 00 79 00 20 00  |i.n. .v.e.r.y. .|
000000b0  75 00 73 00 65 00 66 00  75 00 6c 00 20 00 69 00  |u.s.e.f.u.l. .i.|
000000c0  6e 00 64 00 65 00 65 00  64 00 2e 00 20 00 4a 00  |n.d.e.e.d... .J.|
000000d0  75 00 73 00 74 00 20 00  74 00 79 00 70 00 65 00  |u.s.t. .t.y.p.e.|
000000e0  20 00 69 00 73 00 6f 00  69 00 6e 00 66 00 6f 00  | .i.s.o.i.n.f.o.|
000000f0  20 00 2d 00 66 00 20 00  2d 00 69 00 20 00 6d 00  | .-.f. .-.i. .m.|
00000100  79 00 69 00 73 00 6f 00  2e 00 69 00 73 00 6f 00  |y.i.s.o...i.s.o.|

To print the environment to the terminal, use the printenv command, this is useful if you wish to see what environment variables are present on your system.

-21:39:10-- flynn@flynn-grid-runner [~/Desktop]$ printenv 
TIME_STYLE=+ %d-%m-%y %I:%M %P
LESS=-i -e -M -P%t?f%f :stdin .?pb%pb\%:?lbLine %lb:?bbByte %bb:-...

The whodepends command for Debian based systems will display a list of maintainers a particular package depends on.

-21:50:13-- flynn@flynn-grid-runner [~/Desktop]$ whodepends vlc
Dependent maintainers for vlc:
Clement Lefebvre <> (mint-meta-cinnamon-dvd mint-meta-mate)
Chow Loong Jin <> (remuco-vlc)
Ubuntu Developers <> (ardesia browser-plugin-vlc controlaula emms ezgo-multimedia freeplayer gaupol libvlc5 libvlc5:i386 ltsp-controlaula mediathekview pidgin-mpris python-mecavideo streamtuner2 tcos-core tunapie vlc-data vlc:i386 vlc-nox vlc-nox:i386)
Bilal Akhtar <> (gnome-media-player)
Kubuntu Developers <> (phonon-backend-vlc)
Ubuntu MythTV Team <> (hdhomerun-config-gui)

And the who-uploads command will display information about the last uploaders for a particular package. This is meant to be used on a source package, I tried it on the alsa-source package and it returned no results. The 2.0.3 release of VLC has the fix for the input selection dialog.

-22:03:24-- flynn@flynn-grid-runner [~/Desktop]$ who-uploads vlc
Could not find keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg, skipping it
Could not find keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-maintainers.gpg, skipping it
Uploads for vlc:
2.0.3-2 to unstable: <unrecognised public key (EFC8774C)>
2.0.3-1 to unstable: <unrecognised public key (EFC8774C)>
2.0.2-2 to unstable: <unrecognised public key (EFC8774C)>

The whoami command will return the username of the currently logged in user.

-22:06:33-- flynn@flynn-grid-runner [~/Desktop]$ whoami 

This similar but more verbose command will also work. Listing all logins on the system ttys.

-22:08:06-- flynn@flynn-grid-runner [~/Desktop]$ who --all
           system boot  2012-08-22 22:39
           run-level 2  2012-08-22 22:39
LOGIN      tty4         2012-08-22 22:39              1659 id=4
LOGIN      tty5         2012-08-22 22:39              1665 id=5
LOGIN      tty2         2012-08-22 22:39              1682 id=2
LOGIN      tty3         2012-08-22 22:39              1683 id=3
LOGIN      tty6         2012-08-22 22:39              1686 id=6
LOGIN      tty1         2012-08-22 22:39              2311 id=1

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