Posted: 21 August 2012. At: 5:05 PM. This was 12 years ago. Post ID: 4466
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Using apt-get over a proxied Internet connection. This is easy.

How to use the Debian apt command over the Internet through a TAFE proxy.

South Park computer guy.
South Park computer guy.

If you wish to use the apt-get command on Linux and you are behind a proxy, such as the one that TAFE colleges use, then this simple tweak will take care of this issue. Use the sudo touch /etc/apt/apt.conf command to create the apt configuration file and then add this line to it and edit it with your proxy details. Then the apt-get command will work perfectly.

The line to add to /etc/apt/apt.conf.

Acquire::http::proxy "http://Myusername:[email protected]:8080/";

Another way is to set the proxy temporarily at the command line like this in an environment variable. This will be lost when the terminal window is closed.

export http_proxy='http://Myusername:[email protected]:8080/'

This will set the http_proxy environment variable to the value defined above and the sudo apt-get command will then work. I tried this on Linux Mint 15 and I did not need to set the http_proxy value as root.

How to set the proxy settings for YUM on Centos:

How to enable the proxy for OpenSUSE:

Proxy support for Mandriva Linux:

How to add the proxy settings on FreeBSD 10.0.

If you are using FreeBSD 10.0 and the tcsh shell; use this command to enable the proxy.

setenv http_proxy 'http://John.Smith:[email protected]:8080/'

I just used this in VMware and it worked a treat. To use a VPN with OpenVPN over a TAFE proxy, use it on port 443. This will slip past the proxy as it thinks it is just normal SSL traffic. This is a very effective way to bypass a TAFE proxy. Amazon AWS can be used to host an OpenVPN server, you may then connect to OpenVPN to your instance with a secure tunnel, then SSH to the OpenVPN IP address and have an even more secure connection. OpenVPN is pretty secure if it is setup correctly and with strong enough keys. Here are some useful links that might help you out.

Helpful links

Definitive guide for setting up OpenVPN.

Linux inside.

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