Posted: 13 February 2012. At: 11:49 AM. This was 12 years ago. Post ID: 2700
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Enlightenment E16 and Lord of the Rings symbolism.

The Enlightenment E16 desktop I have setup on my computer is a very good example of a simple computer interface, the layout of the desktop with the iconbox and virtual desktop pager at the bottom of the screen, the clicking on the desktop to access the root menu and the overall eye candy aspect is very pleasing indeed. I need to install the Enlightenment Epplets, then the desktop will be complete. Enlightenment E16 is more stable than the E17 desktop window manager, the version supplied with Ubuntu 12.04 has a few issues with stability. The Enlightened Window Manager has changed a fair bit between the E16 and E17 releases, the changes are not all for the best, I prefer the older school window managers, I have even installed and set up the Larswm window manager. That is a tiling window manager with no window borders and the windows can overlap. You may also slide a window off to the side of the screen to make room for another window. And there are window specific rules you may define in your .larswmrc that control how certain windows may behave once they are spawned. the default set up I have is two xterms that take up the screen side by side and if I open Firefox, that browser window occupies the centre of the screen and is a nice large size too.

I do not like the other tiling window managers such as Awesome WM, they use keyboard shortcuts that conflict with the other applications I am trying to use. Larswm is very fast and you use the mouse wheel to change desktops with lightning speed. Some other window managers have this feature as well, that makes it very fast to switch between applications open on other virtual desktops. This story on Ars Technica concerns the new ribbon interface in the Windows explorer file manager. This is another user interface change that we will have to get used to. I hope the Linux file managers such as Dolphin and Nautilus do not get this type of interface change, it is not for the best to change things like this. The MacOS styled Nautilus file manager is a fine application as it is, you do not need to change it to follow Windows. The Gnome team have copied the MacOS file manager to create Nautilus, but I do not mind the interface, I am happy with it. Sometimes you should just leave things alone. Some information about the Larswm window manager may be found on this site:

Sumerian tablet showing our solar system?
Sumerian tablet showing our solar system?

I found this interesting website here: That explains some of the symbolism in the Lord of the Rings movies, especially the door of Moria design, which resembles the Masonic twin pillars. Apparently the Twilight movies and Harry Potter also have much Rosicrucian symbolism in them. Not to forget the fact that these movies are evil, promoting witchcraft and Satanism. I have a 720p version of the movie Blade Runner, a movie about a Blade Runner named Deckert played by Harrison Ford, who is tasked with hunting down and killing three Replicants who are running loose on Earth, this film is kilo-parsecs ahead of the films they make these days, Ridley Scott outdid himself with this movie. This other page on the same website alludes to the possibility of the Christian religion having pagan roots and a very old amulet featuring the seven stars motif. There is an ancient Sumerian tablet that depicted seven stars in the sky, but they are differing sizes… What does that image mean, and what is the true story behind this Nibiru myth that has filled Youtube with countless videos of lens flares they are claiming to be the rogue dwarf star?

I am sure that if there really was a dwarf star that had planets orbiting it and it was in our solar system we would have seen it by now. That fearmongering that comes with all of this Nibiru craze sure is selling a lot of books and DVDs but we need to get to the truth of the matter. This tablet shown to the right shows a Sumerian leader pointing at a solar system in the sky. But there are no solar systems in the sky that are visible to the naked eye like that. There are 11 planets around this star in the sky, but this could not be a rogue dwarf star that is wandering the solar system. The gravitational effects would be visible by now, sure there used to be a theory that there was a planetary object that is disturbing the orbit of Neptune and Pluto is nowhere near the density required to be acting on Neptune in this way. There is something out there, some very large and dense body that is composed of dark material reflecting very little light to make it nearly invisible. I wonder if the probe they are sending to Pluto could spy the tenth body in the solar system as well. There are the two dwarf planets Haumea and Makemake that are beyond Pluto, and Eris beyond that, that makes ten planets as I still consider Pluto a planet in its own right. Nowadays the common thought is that there is no perturbation of Neptunes orbit by any large body, although it does have a strange sideways orientation.

Now that we know the layout of the solar system more intimately, we can put this Nibiru hoax to rest, there must be other explanations for this, the Sumerians must have mapped the solar system and the tablet depicting the star with 11 planets around it is showing our own solar system. How they knew this thousands of years ago is a mystery.

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