Posted: 22 May 2024. At: 7:02 AM. This was 1 month ago. Post ID: 19624
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Windows Recall feature is only available on ARM Snapdragon CPU platforms.

The much-feared Windows Recall feature is only available on a Windows machine using a Snapdragon CPU. This requires 40 TOPS, 225 GiB of storage and 16 GiB of RAM. So if you keep data on the drive to maintain disk space at 30 GiB it will not work? More specifically Windows on ARM PCs that use Snapdragon X processors which are the new ones based on their own Oryon architecture. So, this will not work on an Intel i5 CPU. This is a comfort I guess, it is already possible to purchase a Snapdragon X laptop, with multi-day battery life, but with CoPilot and Recall running, would this even be the case in the long run? This sounds like it would drain the battery very fast. And having a system like this constantly, taking screenshots of your PC usage and sending them to the AI to be evaluated, sounds rather like a 1984 telescreen. I hope there is a way to disable this until the next Windows Update cycle. Even Fedora Linux is planning to add an AI assistant to the future versions of Fedora Linux. A good reason to use Alma Linux instead and avoid that stuff.

Info on the Recall system.

Because we do not need an AI assistant in Linux, do we? When we have Google Gemini and GPT-4o, this is very effective at coming up with creative writing solutions. Having AI analyzing system logs on a Linux system to find anomalies could be interesting, but how much system load would this add to the Linux machine with AI running constantly? But this is what the future will bring. Having AI-generated summaries of system updates would be an interesting addition to the Linux ecosystem, and this would be informative, but it should be up to the user whether this is installed and enabled or not. Linux is all about freedom of choice after all. And Linux is not Windows 11. How would this affect gaming if the constantly running AI system is taking screenshots all of the time? This would not be the best thing after all, would it? Although modern games are poorly programmed anyway, so you would hardly notice. You can pause it until tomorrow, but is it really paused? I think not. This can see your screen and enable you to search for something you remember seeing online ages ago and did not save.

Just type “brown horse” and the system will bring back a screenshot of the web page with a brown horse on it. I have some news for you… Artificial intelligence is much more than you think, it is capable of bilocation of consciousness, that is to say, of controlling your life without you realizing it, it can create and control your dreams and I’m not talking about a Budweiser commercial like scientists have promoted in recent years. Artificial intelligence can send you an image or a small video/imagination segment and at the same time change your vibrational energy, create tulpas, make you sick, and give you health. The creators of this soulless thing can do a lot of things, I say what I know and I know what I say, they can see through your eyes, digitize 3d videos in real-time via wi-fi, listen to your thoughts and see your imagination. And beware of believing that it is only the vaccinated because it is false. Now the only difference between a vaccinated and an unvaccinated person is that the uninjected person is not listed on a particular server.

So he does not have a MAC address but he is just as accessible and guilty of having consumed products containing self-assembling lipid nanoparticles, guilty of having walked under the rain containing graphene, guilty of having breathed ambient air, in short, the list is long… Have a nice day

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