Posted: 21 November 2023. At: 12:33 PM. This was 8 months ago. Post ID: 18800
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Arma Reforger 1.0 is even worse than the 0.99 release.

Reforger in a nutshell.

Arma Reforger has helicopters and more logistics options, but it also has a ton more lag and bugs, unplayable FPS on public servers and constant juddering of moving vehicles with 240 ping. This is the best that Bohemia can do in 2023. They need to code better networking code and multithreaded code to work better with 12-core CPUs that are available nowadays. But I guess this is far too hard to do with such amateur developers in the team. Arma 3 works much better with 40 players, Reforger struggles with more than 32. Even on an Everon server with 32 players, the server FPS dips to 2 FPS and then is unplayable with UI elements frozen and the respawn screen unusable. The game only runs on one core and is therefore outdated already when we have a 12-core CPU or better in a modern PC. This is embarrassing to behold in Anno Domini 2023. When will the gaming industry lift their game and fix this embarrassing mess? I mean, this should be a premium title, but since the IQ of gamers is going down all the time they will put up with anything anyway. It really does not matter in the slightest.

Arma Reforger 1.0 server FPS.

But I hope they at least fix the networking. They may be trash developers, but they need more help and they need to stop hiring programmers from Fiver. They do not have good reviews online and this is not very promising to future hires.

Further reading.

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