Posted: 21 October 2023. At: 9:03 AM. This was 9 months ago. Post ID: 18643
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Best way to address the annoying YouTube pop-up window.

The new pop-up window for YouTube videos is very annoying, but this can be addressed easily for now.

Annoying YouTube pop-up that gets in the way.

This simple filter for uBlock Origin seems to fix this for now. It blocks the pop-up and you can scroll the page. Tested with Chromium browser.

! 2023-10-16

Also, ensure you go into the uBlock Origin Dashboard->Filter Lists, Purge all caches, and then Update now. This will take care of this annoying pop-up and save your sanity.

Then, go to Settings->I am an advanced user, tick the box, and then click the gears to open the configuration dialog. When it opens, you will see this.

allowGenericProceduralFilters false
            assetFetchTimeout 30
    autoCommentFilterTemplate {{date}} {{origin}}
   autoUpdateAssetFetchPeriod 60
   autoUpdateDelayAfterLaunch 105
             autoUpdatePeriod 1
          benchmarkDatasetURL unset
             blockingProfiles 11111/#F00 11010/#C0F 11001/#00F 00001
              cacheStorageAPI unset
      cacheStorageCompression true
cacheControlForFirefox1376932 no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
      cloudStorageCompression true
              cnameIgnoreList unset
          cnameIgnore1stParty true
        cnameIgnoreExceptions true
      cnameIgnoreRootDocument true
                  cnameMaxTTL 120
           cnameReplayFullURL false
          cnameUncloakProxied false
              consoleLogLevel unset
              debugAssetsJson false
              debugScriptlets false
       debugScriptletInjector false
           disableWebAssembly false
   extensionUpdateForceReload false
             filterAuthorMode false
              filterOnHeaders false
              loggerPopupType popup
 manualUpdateAssetFetchPeriod 500
           modifyWebextFlavor unset
                popupFontSize unset
   popupPanelDisabledSections 0
     popupPanelLockedSections 0
         popupPanelHeightMode 0
  requestJournalProcessPeriod 1000
                  selfieAfter 2
 strictBlockingBypassDuration 120
        toolbarWarningTimeout 60
                uiPopupConfig unset
                     uiStyles unset
updateAssetBypassBrowserCache false
        userResourcesLocation unset

Edit this value to 1.

autoUpdatePeriod 1

This will change the auto-update value for filters to every hour. This is optimal. This is how I managed to address this annoyance for now.

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