Posted: 12 October 2023. At: 9:46 AM. This was 9 months ago. Post ID: 18576
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How to use the equivalent of grep in Powershell.

Using the grep equivalent in Powershell is very easy. This is simple text filtering. Below is a simple example.

PS C:\Users\Intel i5\Documents> ([regex]::Matches((Invoke-RestMethod ""), '(?<=data-tgev-container="feed-1">).*?(?=</a>)') | ForEach-Object { $_.Value }) | sls gathering
‘Can’t stop people gathering’, cops admit as tension rises

Here is another simple example.

PS C:\Users\Intel i5\Documents> ps | sls edge
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Another way to handle this is to use object-oriented filtering.

PS C:\Users\Intel i5\Documents> Get-NetAdapter | where Name -like Ethernet
Name                      InterfaceDescription                    ifIndex Status       MacAddress             LinkSpeed
----                      --------------------                    ------- ------       ----------             ---------
Ethernet                  Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (14) I2...      20 Up           FC-34-97-A5-BC-7E         1 Gbps

This will show only the Ethernet line that is found in the Name column.

Another way, this will only show the Name column in the output.

PS C:\Users\Intel i5\Documents\sysinfo-master> Get-ChildItem | Select-Object Name

And this is how to show a few columns.

PS C:\Users\Intel i5\Documents\sysinfo-master> Get-ChildItem | Select-Object Name,Length,Mode
Name        Length Mode
----        ------ ----
.vscode            d-----
obj                d-----
src                d-----
LICENSE     18015  -a----
makefile    714    -a----   351    -a----
sysinfo     22048  -a----
system-info 12921  -a----

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