Posted: 5 October 2023. At: 11:03 AM. This was 9 months ago. Post ID: 18550
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uBlock Origin filters for a very minimalist YouTube experience.

These uBlock Origin filters will provide a cleaner and minimalist YouTube experience. This is great.

! 2023-09-04 > .yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape__fill > .yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape__stroke > > yt-touch-feedback-shape > > .yt-spec-touch-feedback-shape__fill > > >, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false), Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0), ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []), Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) > > >

This will be great if you are not worried about subscriptions and comments and just want to enjoy the YouTube video with no distractions. This does make the page load fast as well.

To get a listing of all available audio and video formats for a YouTube video, use yt-dlp.

(jcartwright@localhost) Videos  $ yt-dlp -F
[youtube] Extracting URL:
[youtube] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading webpage
[youtube] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading ios player API JSON
[youtube] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading android player API JSON
[youtube] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading player e95f6cb1
[youtube] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading m3u8 information
[info] Available formats for 4uhoW18RuKk:
sb2 mhtml 48x27        0                      mhtml  images                                  storyboard
sb1 mhtml 80x45        0                      mhtml  images                                  storyboard
sb0 mhtml 160x90       0                      mhtml  images                                  storyboard
233 mp4   audio only                          m3u8   audio only          unknown             [en] Default
234 mp4   audio only                          m3u8   audio only          unknown             [en] Default
599 m4a   audio only      2     2.26MiB   31k https  audio only          mp4a.40.5   31k 22k [en] ultralow, m4a_dash
600 webm  audio only      2     2.56MiB   35k https  audio only          opus        35k 48k [en] ultralow, webm_dash
139 m4a   audio only      2     3.58MiB   49k https  audio only          mp4a.40.5   49k 22k [en] low, m4a_dash
249 webm  audio only      2     3.74MiB   51k https  audio only          opus        51k 48k [en] low, webm_dash
250 webm  audio only      2     5.53MiB   76k https  audio only          opus        76k 48k [en] low, webm_dash
140 m4a   audio only      2     9.49MiB  129k https  audio only          mp4a.40.2  129k 44k [en] medium, m4a_dash
251 webm  audio only      2    10.66MiB  146k https  audio only          opus       146k 48k [en] medium, webm_dash
17  3gp   176x144      8  1     5.56MiB   76k https  mp4v.20.3           mp4a.40.2       22k [en] 144p
597 mp4   256x144     15        2.71MiB   37k https  avc1.4d400b     37k video only          144p, mp4_dash
602 mp4   256x144     15     ~  9.08MiB  121k m3u8   vp09.00.10.08  121k video only
598 webm  256x144     15        2.93MiB   40k https  vp9             40k video only          144p, webm_dash
269 mp4   256x144     30     ~ 14.97MiB  199k m3u8   avc1.4D400C    199k video only
160 mp4   256x144     30        8.01MiB  109k https  avc1.4D400C    109k video only          144p, mp4_dash
603 mp4   256x144     30     ~ 15.06MiB  201k m3u8   vp09.00.11.08  201k video only
278 webm  256x144     30        6.95MiB   95k https  vp09.00.11.08   95k video only          144p, webm_dash
229 mp4   426x240     30     ~ 27.83MiB  371k m3u8   avc1.4D4015    371k video only
133 mp4   426x240     30       17.67MiB  241k https  avc1.4D4015    241k video only          240p, mp4_dash
604 mp4   426x240     30     ~ 27.21MiB  362k m3u8   vp09.00.20.08  362k video only
242 webm  426x240     30       13.66MiB  187k https  vp09.00.20.08  187k video only          240p, webm_dash
230 mp4   640x360     30     ~ 65.92MiB  878k m3u8   avc1.4D401E    878k video only
134 mp4   640x360     30       37.44MiB  511k https  avc1.4D401E    511k video only          360p, mp4_dash
18  mp4   640x360     30  2    44.47MiB  607k https  avc1.42001E         mp4a.40.2       44k [en] 360p
605 mp4   640x360     30     ~ 50.74MiB  676k m3u8   vp09.00.21.08  676k video only
243 webm  640x360     30       23.35MiB  319k https  vp09.00.21.08  319k video only          360p, webm_dash
231 mp4   854x480     30     ~111.14MiB 1480k m3u8   avc1.4D401F   1480k video only
135 mp4   854x480     30       68.98MiB  942k https  avc1.4D401F    942k video only          480p, mp4_dash
606 mp4   854x480     30     ~ 87.66MiB 1168k m3u8   vp09.00.30.08 1168k video only
244 webm  854x480     30       39.74MiB  543k https  vp09.00.30.08  543k video only          480p, webm_dash
22  mp4   1280x720    30  2  ≈143.88MiB 1917k https  avc1.64001F         mp4a.40.2       44k [en] 720p
136 mp4   1280x720    30      130.98MiB 1788k https  avc1.64001f   1788k video only          720p, mp4_dash
247 webm  1280x720    30       75.47MiB 1030k https  vp9           1030k video only          720p, webm_dash
311 mp4   1280x720    60     ~313.20MiB 4172k m3u8   avc1.640020   4172k video only
298 mp4   1280x720    60      188.20MiB 2569k https  avc1.640020   2569k video only          720p60, mp4_dash
612 mp4   1280x720    60     ~283.27MiB 3773k m3u8   vp09.00.40.08 3773k video only
302 webm  1280x720    60      120.46MiB 1644k https  vp09.00.40.08 1644k video only          720p60, webm_dash
312 mp4   1920x1080   60     ~509.01MiB 6780k m3u8   avc1.64002A   6780k video only
299 mp4   1920x1080   60      335.93MiB 4586k https  avc1.64002A   4586k video only          1080p60, mp4_dash
617 mp4   1920x1080   60     ~394.69MiB 5257k m3u8   vp09.00.41.08 5257k video only
303 webm  1920x1080   60      198.40MiB 2709k https  vp09.00.41.08 2709k video only          1080p60, webm_dash

Then you may download a YouTube video. Here I am specifying the –write-info-json parameter to write a JSON file containing all information about the YouTube video.

(jcartwright@localhost) Videos  $ yt-dlp --write-info-json
[youtube] Extracting URL:
[youtube] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading webpage
[youtube] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading ios player API JSON
[youtube] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading android player API JSON
[youtube] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading m3u8 information
[info] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading 1 format(s): 303+251
[info] Writing video metadata as JSON to: 8 Most Unspeakable Evil Things Done by Judge Dredd! [4uhoW18RuKk].info.json
[download] Destination: 8 Most Unspeakable Evil Things Done by Judge Dredd! [4uhoW18RuKk].f303.webm
[download] 100% of  198.40MiB in 00:00:36 at 5.40MiB/s
[download] Destination: 8 Most Unspeakable Evil Things Done by Judge Dredd! [4uhoW18RuKk].f251.webm
[download] 100% of   10.66MiB in 00:00:02 at 5.21MiB/s
[Merger] Merging formats into "8 Most Unspeakable Evil Things Done by Judge Dredd! [4uhoW18RuKk].webm"
Deleting original file 8 Most Unspeakable Evil Things Done by Judge Dredd! [4uhoW18RuKk].f303.webm (pass -k to keep)
Deleting original file 8 Most Unspeakable Evil Things Done by Judge Dredd! [4uhoW18RuKk].f251.webm (pass -k to keep)

Download a certain video format easily this way.

(jcartwright@localhost) Videos  $ yt-dlp -f 17
[youtube] Extracting URL:
[youtube] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading webpage
[youtube] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading ios player API JSON
[youtube] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading android player API JSON
[youtube] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading m3u8 information
[info] 4uhoW18RuKk: Downloading 1 format(s): 17
[download] Destination: 8 Most Unspeakable Evil Things Done by Judge Dredd! [4uhoW18RuKk].3gp
[download] 100% of    5.56MiB in 00:00:02 at 2.11MiB/s

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