Posted: 22 July 2023. At: 8:20 AM. This was 12 months ago. Post ID: 18286
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The new AI-generated episode of South Park really is amazing.

This is a new episode of South Park generated entirely by AI. This shows the possibilities of AI in the entertainment field. The voices are spot-on, this means that it could be possible in the future to make an entire episode of a TV show using nothing but AI. This is the future of entertainment, combining AI voice synthesis and AI reading a script, this could replace Hollywood writers in the future. No wonder they are striking. This was an entertaining episode, but it ended too soon and the fate of Mett Porker was unresolved. Other than that the only annoying thing was the pauses in the script. it would be fun to make South Park meets the Simpsons, that would be funny, although the completely different art styles would be interesting.

To Infinity and Beyond: SHOW-1 and Showrunner Agents in Multi-Agent Simulations Example Generated Episode 'Westland Chronicles' from Fable on Vimeo.

I agree with the majority that it’s very exciting how fast things are moving. but I also feel the importance of AI writing is beside the point. writers were already incredibly cheap and some were so desperate that they basically wrote for free. AI writers will always cost more than desperate human writers. however, what this technology will do is allow ANYONE with an ounce of talent to make their own show. That is what’s most important, BY FAR. you will no longer need a minimum of tens of thousands to make some starter movie. We’re only a few years away from having the tools where you describe to an AI exactly what you want a model to do and how to act and it will make that in 10-20 years it will be as easy for little Billy to make his own blockbuster at home as it is to write a bestseller with only a laptop or a pencil and of course, not everyone can do that. maybe only 0.01% of people will be able to make anything good, just as with writing. but the fact that it won’t be the domain of rich Hollywood execs exclusively anymore is great.

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