Posted: 4 May 2023. At: 1:33 PM. This was 1 year ago. Post ID: 17969
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Nice new mod for Arma 3. ChatGPT integration into the game.

This is a very nice mod for Arma 3. This can integrate ChatGPT AI into Arma 3.

Players can talk to all AI characters
All npcs Have their own distinct profile based on role, side, ethnicity and rank
Npc profiles include:
-background story
-marital status
-faction (EAST, WEST, IND, CIV)

Npc profiles will be generated automatically by chat-GPT and stored in the file-system
– Be aware that the first time a profile is generated it takes 20 seconds.
– Once generated for a specific unit type the profile can be reused quickly.
– We currently have roughly 1000 pre-generated profiles included in the mod

Npcs have knowledge of their own mission
Npcs know if they or the player they are talking to is injured.
Npcs will respond in accordance with their profile, status and mission.
If a npc is introverted he will give short answers
An outgoing npc will give elaborate answers.
An extroverted npc tries to keep the conversation going by asking follow-up questions.
Npcs can be given custom roles.
Npcs can be given custom tasks/missions (using task modules)
Task modules and triggers can be used to give npcs knowledge of recent events.

And yet Arma 3 has all of this and a very high framerate due to all of the tweaks over time.
And yet Arma 3 has all of this and a very high framerate due to all of the tweaks over time.

This is an amazing idea, could you create a role-playing game in Arma 3 using AI to generate a random personality for each character and make tasks to do for them? This would be good. Imagine a better AI run by a powerful AI that could make better decisions in various scenarios. Way better than the horrible Arma 3 AI.


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