Posted: 17 September 2022. At: 12:21 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16751
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Classic PC Doom and PSX Doom cheats and information.

Classic PC Doom Cheats.

God Mode: IDDQD

All Weapons and Keys: IDKFA

Weapons and Full Ammo, No Keys: IDFA

No Clipping Mode, ‘Doom2 & Final Doom’: IDCLIP

No Clipping Mode, ‘Ultimate Doom’: IDSPISPOPD

Chainsaw Cheat: IDCHOPPERS

Cheat Menu, ‘Rad Suit, Invuln, Blur, or Beserk’ IDBEHOLD

Multiplayer Map Cheat: Alt-TIDDT. Historic only, I doubt it would work in Doom v1.9.

Map Cheat, ‘Full Map’: IDDT Use IDDT twice to reveal all items and monsters.

Doom 95 Cheats.

Kill all monsters: fhhall

PSX Doom passwords. These bring you to the level with some Weapons and Ammo.

Secret levels. Level Passwords.

PSX Doom MAP01.
PSX Doom Hangar map.

Level 55 – Fortress Of Mystery – VZH96K4MP

Level 56 – The Military Base – 6LC!2FYTHK

Level 57 – The Marshes – WVX07TT0TR

Level 58 – The Mansion – WCYZ8SSGSQ

Level 59 – Club Doom – WWYZ8SSZSQ

These level passwords are for PSX Doom.

There are passwords for PSX Final Doom also but the passwords for Levels 2 – 30 are interchangeable between Final Doom and the original PSX Doom.

Ultimate Doom.

Level 02 – Nuclear Plant – CR!3WDD3DB – LB173PPWPM

Level 03 – Toxin Refinery – 3JJCMK8W64

Level 04 – Command Control – 03LTJOY!02

Level 05 – Phobos Lab – H33!1HFTHK

Level 06 – Central Processing – 04MSKZX9Z1

Level 07 – Computer Station – YTTLCXXLXV

Level 08 – Phobos Anomaly – O9SMBYO4YW

Episode Two.

PSX Doom, Mt Erebus.
PSX Doom Mount Erebus.

Level 09 – Deimos Anomaly – 7KKBLD7V53

Level 10 – Containment Area – FM4217GSGJ

Doom2 Hell on Earth.

Level 31 – Entryway – COW1!QNJQS

Level 32 – Underhalls – VM!3VD3DB

Level 33 – The Gantlet – W394W2DMFC

Level 34 – The Focus – ZQ58ZKJRKH

Level 35 – The Waste Tunnels – Z758ZKJ8KH

Level 36 – The Crusher – 5C2V3DQBNL

Level 37 – Dead Simple – NCKBLX7V53

Level 38 – Tricks And Traps – 1Q58OFCRKH

Level 39 – The Pit – HTMMSKZZ9Z1

Level 40 – Refueling Base – WS58ZKCRKH

PSX Doom cheats. To use, press START to pause, then enter the codes.

GOD Mode – down, l2, square, r1, right, l1, left, circle

All Weapons – cross, triangle, l1, up, down, r2, left, left

Level warp – right, left, r2, r1, triangle, l1, circle, cross

Map plus objects – triangle, triangle, l2, r2, l2, r2, r1, circle

X-Ray vision – l1, r2, l2, r1, right, triangle, cross, right

PC Cheats, Boom and Prboom source ports.

Enemy massacre – TNTEM

Give specific weapons – TNTWEAP

With the TNTWEAP cheat, you can remove weapons as well. You can get rid of the pistol if you type TNTWEAP 2!

Give specific keys – TNTKEY

Boom Music Cheat.

select extra music to play to – idmus33 – idmus35. With this code, you can play the game to the menu music. A very cool feature indeed.

Xploder Codes. PSX Doom.

Infinite Energy – 8660DFE05959 8660DFD85917 8660DFD459B6

Have Shotgun – 8660DF2C5959

have Super Shotgun – 8660DF305959

Have Chaingun – 8660DF345959

Have Rocket Launcher – 8660DF385959

have Plasma Rifle – 8660DF3C5959

Have BFG – 8660DF405959

Have Chainsaw – 8660DF445959

Infinite Bullets – 8660DF48559B6

Infinite Shotgun Shells – 8660DF4C59B6

Infinite Rockets – 8660DF5459B6

Infinite Plasma – 8660DF5059B6

Night Vision On – 8660DFF45959

Level Map On – 8660DFF05959

Have Red Keys – 8660DFF85959

Have Blue Keys – 8660DFFC5959

Have Yellow Keys – 8660DF005959

Fire Weapons Faster – 8660E0A45959

There, all the Xploder codes for PSX Doom. I do not know if they will work with PSX Final Doom, but give them a try anyway. Have fun! I have some screenshots on my page from PSX Doom showing the coloured lighting and graphics of this excellent Doom console port. The two large screenshots are from the PSX Doom TC running in Gzdoom. This PSX Doom Total Conversion for PC is awesome and the graphics are far better than the PSX. You can look up and down and run PSX Doom at 1280×1024 in 32bit colour. Download the files here, main file: PSX Doom TC. This will run best with either Skulltag or Gzdoom. Gzdoom is the preferred choice though. This is easier than trying to track down a copy of the PSX Doom disc and a PSone to play it with.

PSX Doom Marshes map.

PSX Final Doom is also a very good Playstation Doom game, with a mixture of the maps from Final Doom TNT & Plutonia put together on a disc for your enjoyment. The atmosphere throughout the 30 maps in the game is just as good as the first PSX Doom, especially the Master Levels maps like Geryon and Vesperas. The lack of the Archvile does not really matter at all when the gameplay is still quite hectic. Some maps like Baron`s Lair are missing monsters such as the Cyberdemon but it does not really damage the gameplay aspect, the level is still challenging when it has Chaingunners and Barons to stop the player. The level pictured to the right, Attack is another quality map made for the master levels. It is heaps of fun to play. Extracting the levels to make a PSX Final Doom TC for PC is proving more difficult than it was for the PSX Doom release, which can be played on PC with the PSX Doom TC but we might have to wait a while for the PSX Final Doom to be playable on PC. But if you have the disc it would be playable on a Windows machine with ePSXe and that would surely be a heap of fun as well. The ambient soundtrack of PSX Final Doom is also very good, the music track with the whistling that plays with the level Geryon is suitably dark. and very fitting for the level.

I think they did a good job of getting Doom to run on the Playstation even though they took out Nightmare mode and the Archvile. The frame rate is not perfect and the slowdown in some cases is annoying considering that a 486 could run Doom, but the PSX Doom engine is running in 16bit colour and has more advanced features like the reverberation effect that was apparent in inside areas.

The coloured lighting effects are the best when you are in a level such as “Gate to Limbo” which has all the lava around, and the reddish coloured lighting really adds to the atmosphere. Just like level 59 “Club Doom” where they had translucent textures and flashing coloured lighting to complete the atmosphere of an evil Demon nightclub. I mean, who does not enjoy seeing the Revenants dancing it up to some cool beats? I really enjoyed playing through the first episode of PSX Ultimate Doom, the PSX version of E1M7 is the best version of this map ever, with the Revenants and Shotgunners vying for the role of the Doom Marine`s killer. I will post more codes for PSX Doom if I find out more information.

Another look at PSX Doom Hangar.

The most fun in PSX Doom is using the Datel cheat cartridge to discover new cheats. I have found two new cheats for PSX Final Doom, which are on the Cheat Cartridge and I now cannot use it, but they were: Always Have Lite Amp and Always Have Berserk. Very cool cheats to have but I now cannot use the cartridge as I mentioned because the model of Playstation that could use the port in the back that looks like a Parallel Port that allows you to plug in cheat cartridges in the back is no longer sold. But if I can get them off the Cartridge with a second-hand model, I will post the codes here for the Xploder. I still have the cartridge and the codes are still on the chip as well as all my codes from the time I was hacking on Gran Turismo 2. But PSX Doom is fun to hack and finding those codes was pretty cool.

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