Posted: 3 August 2022. At: 9:46 AM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16511
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Arma Reforger is quite a disaster. This is buggy and lacking content.

Arma Reforger is quite a disaster, with almost no content, plus many game-breaking bugs in the game engine. It is not looking good at all. The constant disconnections and internal errors 3 months after the release of this “game” are embarrassing, and if you criticise it they block you on social media and prevent you from having a voice. This is amazing, the same game studio that made Arma 3 are now working on this game. It is not a good look for a game studio to turn out such a limited game that probably does not even support tracked vehicles. Other games like Battlefield 2042 support advanced building destruction, but Reforger probably does not. Battlefield 2042 came out in 2021, and it is pretty amazing to look at in the Youtube videos, the player can shoot out windows in skyscrapers and even shoot the supporting pillars and collapse them. If they fall into the ocean they make a mini Tsunami. Amazing indeed. And other advanced things that Arma 3 does not simulate that it should like a laser designator in a jet can overheat. This is a small thing that would be good if it was simulated.

A typical session in Arma Reforger.
A typical session in Arma Reforger.

As well as machine guns overheating and necessitating the replacement of the barrel. It is supposed to be a military simulator, but the stupid future setting of Arma 3 does not help. Maybe Arma 4 is just Reforger with a new name? That is not a good thing. Why name it reforger anyway? This is named after Operation Reforger from 1992. Reforger 92 – Certain Caravan. A strange thing to name the game after. Exercise Campaign Reforger (from return of forces to Germany) was an annual exercise and campaign conducted by NATO during the Cold War. The exercise was intended to ensure that NATO had the ability to quickly deploy forces to West Germany in the event of a conflict with the Warsaw Pact. Although most troops deployed were from the United States, the operation also involved a substantial number of troops from other NATO countries including Canada and the United Kingdom. So it should be Germany instead of a European island? I do not know, this whole game seems like a massive cash cow instead of an actual game. It should have been delayed a while instead of being released in this state. But what do I know?

Battlefield 5 tank gameplay.

The upcoming Arma 4 game will be on consoles as well as on PC. This does not bode well for the future of the franchise if the gameplay mechanics need to be dumbed down for a console audience. Why not make it a serious sim like VBS 4? But no, the console gamers need a slice of the pie as well. Not good Bohemia, not good. I just want a good Arma game, and we get a crapfest like Reforger that has constant errors that interrupt gameplay. You filter the server browser by most players and only find one populated server to play on. This is tragic. They really need to add tanks and jets, as well as more APCs like the M113 and an Infantry Fighting Vehicle like the BMD-1. And helicopters like UH-1 and Chinooks. A Blackhawk helicopter would also be a good addition to the game.

Reforger server browser filtered by most players.
Reforger server browser filtered by most players.

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