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How to run the Arma 3 SOG DLC on a Linux server. This is easy to do.

  1. How to install the SOG DLC on a Linux server
  2. How to have streetlights on in the EDEN editor

How to install the SOG DLC on a Linux server

To get the Arma 3 SOG DLC running on a dedicated Linux server, firstly you need to install the Creator DLC branch.

Load up steamcmd and then run this command.

Steam> app_update 233780 -beta creatordlc " validate +quit

This will install the branch that contains the required CDLC.

Then, in the server.cfg file, add this to the class Missions section.

class Missions {
    class mission1 {
        template = "vn_coop_01.cam_lao_nam";
        difficulty = "sog_regular";
    class mission2 {
        template = "vn_coop_02.cam_lao_nam";
        difficulty = "sog_regular";
    class mission3 {
        template = "vn_coop_03.cam_lao_nam";
        difficulty = "sog_regular";
    class mission4 {
        template = "vn_coop_04.cam_lao_nam";
        difficulty = "sog_regular";
    class mission5 {
        template = "vn_coop_05.cam_lao_nam";
        difficulty = "sog_regular";
    class mission6 {
        template = "vn_coop_06.cam_lao_nam";
        difficulty = "sog_regular";

This will enable a mission playlist, when one mission finishes, another one will start up.

Then start the server like this.

jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~/.steam/steamcmd$ nohup ./arma3server_x64 -name=Gunslinger -mod=vn -autoInit -config=server.cfg &

Then press ENTER twice to be returned to the terminal. This will run the server in the background. The server log will be printed in the nohup.out file. The -autoInit parameter allows the server to load the mission automatically when it loads.

Set up the motd section of the server.cfg to print useful messages to the players.

// WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")
// It can be several lines, separated by comma
// Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval
motd[] = {
        "", "",
        "Welcome to Vietnam.",
        "Battle against Viet Cong..",
        "Look out for IEDs..",
        "Get a loadout and get into battle.",
        "Keep your ears open for enemy sign..",
        "Watch where you step...."
motdInterval = 5;                                       // Time interval (in seconds) between each message

This is most useful on a server.

How to have streetlights on in the EDEN editor

To have streetlights on in the EDEN editor, use this in the debug console when a lamp is placed and selected.

get3DENSelected "object" select 0 enableSimulation true;

Use this code to switch on simulation for all lamps placed in the editor.

{_x enablesimulation true} foreach ((all3DENEntities #0) select {_x iskindof "Lamps_base_F"})

This does work very well. And it does accurately show the radius and brightness of the light very well.

In the image below, I enabled simulation on a car and then dragged it into the hangar to blow it up. Pretty cool.

Lamps on in the EDEN editor, with simulation enabled.
Lamps on in the EDEN editor, with simulation enabled.

Using this on the long white searchlight beam object, “Reflector_Cone_01_Long_white_F” also works well. You can move it around and the light updates. If you delete a light, the light cast by it is not deleted, but this is fine.

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