Posted: 17 June 2022. At: 10:59 AM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16396
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Green power policies in Australia are not the way to go.

The Australian government is going crazy. They want to implement green power policies that will result in rolling blackouts and dependence upon renewable energy solutions that are intermittent and not dependable for base load power in 2022. How will industry function with no power to run power-hungry machines? This is crazy, the green power policies are born of insanity and can not provide power for the modern age. Coal and nuclear are better solutions, but propaganda such as The Simpsons and movies have made atomic power seem like a dangerous proposition, this is far from the case, as long as you have a secure place to store the waste. France derives about 70% of its electricity from nuclear energy, due to a long-standing policy based on energy security. Government policy, set under a former administration in 2014, aimed to reduce nuclear’s share of electricity generation to 50% by 2025. They are managing just fine running their atomic plants, it is only Ukraine that had a nuclear accident due to negligence, and the 3-mile island accident. But modern power plants using nuclear power are much safer. America has 92 atomic energy plants and they are running just fine with no major incidents. Modern plants are very safe.

The craze to pursue wind power and solar fields is the current reality, but solar panels can not work at night, and wind power only works when the wind is blowing. We are currently using coal power and this is working just fine for us to provide the baseload power we depend upon to run a modern technological society. Australia had 24 operating plants, but they are due to shut down. What will we do after that? Use a bicycle with a generator attached to it? This is crazy. Once the rolling blackouts begin, then they will be forced to explain this will they not? Just wait and see, this will happen I promise.

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