Posted: 13 May 2022. At: 4:54 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16313
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Is Arma 4 confirmed in 2022? Is this what we have been waiting for?

Arma 4 has possibly been announced in 2022. This is very exciting. I mean what else could it be? We need a new game engine desperately. The old RV4 engine has such outdated physics and ballistics. The Nvidia PhysX implementation is awful. It needs an overhaul very soon. But a whole new multi-core compatible engine with 64-bit code and a full Nvidia PhysX codebase would be awesome. If you could walk on moving vehicles like you could with Far Cry 2. Walking on moving vehicles is easy in other games, but the Bohemia developers implemented such a terrible physics model that is embarrassing to use. Any other game like Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl has better physics that has things like barrels rolling downhill and the ability to push barrels down onto enemies. Plus proper physics for smashing boxes and other things.

Arma Reforger screenshot. Soldiers next to a Humvee.

This is the physics in the old Stalker Lost Alpha engine. This is far superior to Arma 3. Imagine if Arma 4 had such a good physics engine using Nvidia PhysX, I mean Far Cry 5 has a very good physics engine, so why can Arma not have the same thing? If the game was free to have a higher framerate without being tied to the rendering thread. This would be good if you could have an actual fire rate for Miniguns that is realistic, like 3400 RPM instead of 850. But the live stream will be on Wednesday and we will find out more information from that. Hopefully, a good multiplatform Enfusion engine game is what we need in 2022. As long as it has more than 6 vehicles and guns.

More Arma 4 news here. This is the marketing and brand guide for Arma Reforger. This lays out rules for the use of the brand and how it should be stylised when it is used in any online content.


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