Posted: 11 April 2022. At: 12:04 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16152
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A very interesting bash shell trick. Edit the last command in the history.

This is a very interesting bash shell trick. You may use the !! operator to allow editing a misspelled command in your bash history and rerun it correctly. This allows for fixing an error you made with a previous command as shown below.

[ jason@$deusexmachina.local ]
[ Jobs 0. PWD: ~. -bash 3.2.57. ] [ 32-:$ ]
-> ehco hello
-bash: ehco: command not found

As we can see here this is easy to fix.

[ jason@$deusexmachina.local ]
[ Jobs 0. PWD: ~. -bash 3.2.57. ] [ 35-:$ ]
-> !!:gs/ehco/echo/
echo hello

This reruns the command and it is spelled correctly. This is a nifty feature of the bash shell. This allows easy correction of mistakes with no fuss at all.

Print a directory listing of only folders in the current directory using ls.

[ jason@$deusexmachina.local ]
[ Jobs 0. PWD: ~. -bash 3.2.57. ] [ 37-:$ ]
-> ls -dhula */
drwx------@ 75 jason  staff   2.3K 10 Apr 15:27 Desktop/
drwx------@ 75 jason  staff   2.3K 10 Apr 16:53 Documents/
drwx------@ 48 jason  staff   1.5K 10 Apr 08:54 Downloads/
drwx------@ 84 jason  staff   2.6K  3 Apr 10:32 Library/
drwx------+  6 jason  staff   192B 30 Mar 17:06 Movies/
drwx------+ 16 jason  staff   512B 10 Apr 15:27 Music/
drwx------+ 12 jason  staff   384B 10 Apr 16:46 Pictures/
drwxr-xr-x+  5 jason  staff   160B  2 Jan  2019 Public/
drwxr-xr-x   9 jason  staff   288B  8 Apr 15:12 Videos/

The ls -dhula */ command is the best way to do this.

Another way is to only list directories with the bash shell. Just use the find command and ls.

[ jason@$deusexmachina.local ]
[ Jobs 0. PWD: ~. -bash 3.2.57. ] [ 53-:$ ]
-> find . -name *. -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec ls -dhula */ {} +
drwxr-xr-x+ 54 jason  staff   1.7K 11 Apr 11:18 .
drwx------@ 75 jason  staff   2.3K 10 Apr 15:27 Desktop/
drwx------@ 75 jason  staff   2.3K 10 Apr 16:53 Documents/
drwx------@ 48 jason  staff   1.5K 10 Apr 08:54 Downloads/
drwx------@ 84 jason  staff   2.6K  3 Apr 10:32 Library/
drwx------+  6 jason  staff   192B 30 Mar 17:06 Movies/
drwx------+ 16 jason  staff   512B 10 Apr 15:27 Music/
drwx------+ 12 jason  staff   384B 10 Apr 16:46 Pictures/
drwxr-xr-x+  5 jason  staff   160B  2 Jan  2019 Public/
drwxr-xr-x   9 jason  staff   288B 11 Apr 11:47 Videos/

This will list all folders on one level under the current working directory. A very useful Linux trick.

Display an ANSI colour palette with the bash shell. Very useful to see all available bash colours.

for f in 0 7 `seq 6`; do
  no="" bo=""
  for b in n 7 0 `seq 6`; do
    co="3$f"; p="  "
    [ $b = n ] || { co="$co;4$b";p=""; }
    no="${no}${e}${co}m   ${p}${co} ${e}0m"
    bo="${bo}${e}1;${co}m ${p}1;${co} ${e}0m"
  echo -e "$no\n$bo"

This prints all colour codes for making a nice colour prompt. This is a useful way to get a certain colour you need.

Print information about your user with the id command.

[ jason@$deusexmachina.local ]
[ Jobs 0. PWD: ~. -bash 3.2.57. ] [ 64-:$ ]
-> id -P $LOGNAME
jason:********:501:20::0:0:John Cartwright:/Users/jason:/bin/bash

This prints the user information as a password file entry. Very interesting to see in action.

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