Posted: 11 March 2022. At: 2:24 PM. This was 2 years ago. Post ID: 16027
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Very useful websdr sites to keep track of happenings around Russia. If you understand Russian.

This is a very useful site to monitor radio stations in and around Russia on multi-band radio. This is very good if you are Russian and are an ex-pat wanting to keep track of what is actually happening around Russia in this stressful time. it can monitor AM and USB as well as SSB. This is very interesting to listen to. Another useful one is the SDR in the Netherlands. This one could cover a good area as well and would be great to listen to transmissions on 8992 kHz. There are very interesting military transmissions on 27136.00 kHz. This is mentioning the movements of soldiers. So start listening and you might be able to make sense of it. But since there is a pointless invasion going on, it would be pertinent to mention some resources to keep track of what is actually happening in Russia at the moment. A web SDR site is very useful anyway, but especially in these trying times. Who knows what Putin will do in the future if he gets desperate enough, I hope there are no nuclear weapons used, this would not be the endgame we ever would want. Nuclear war benefits no one.

Especially since large modern missiles can carry MIRV systems with 12 warheads in one missile. Not a good thing for any enemy to be hit by that. This is on top of COVID and whatever other disasters are happening right now. very bad news. The Russian soldiers are surrendering in droves, they are starving and do not even know what is going on. This is just as incompetent as Hitler running the siege of Stalingrad. His men died in droves and he would not pull them out. But he was going senile in his old age. Maybe Putin is going mad as well. I think the only solution is to pull a coup and remove him by force. Before the Russian economy collapses altogether, their tanks are being destroyed easily by superior modern ATGM rockets such as the Javelin and NLAW. The NLAW can fly over the tank horizontally and then fire an explosively formed projectile at the tank at right angles so it hits the more vulnerable top armour of the vehicle. The improvised slat armour the Russians are using does not work. The Javelin can punch straight through it and still take out the tank from a long-distance away. This is a pointless war. For both sides.

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